[News] Gulf Coast Civic Work Project Mobilization May 3rd

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Apr 25 13:01:07 EDT 2007

Greetings All,
We strongly encourage all of our California 
allies and supporters to support this initiative and mobilization.
In Unity and Struggle,
Contact:  Victoria Chavez at 
Dr. Scott Myers-Lipton at +1-510-508-5382


SACRAMENTO, CA –On May 3, Speaker Pro Tempore 
Sally Lieber of the California Assembly will 
introduce a joint resolution in support of the 
Gulf Coast Civic Works Project, which is the 
national effort to develop federal legislation to 
create 100,000 WPA-like jobs to rebuild the region using Gulf Coast residents.

Citing a weak federal response to Hurricane 
Katrina, the resolution calls upon each Senator 
and Representative from California in the 
Congress of the United States and the President 
to support the passing of federal legislation 
based on the Gulf Coast Civic Works Project.

Students, Katrina survivors, and all community 
members who are interested in rebuilding the Gulf 
Coast are encouraged to attend the press 
conference, which will be held at the State 
Capitol in Sacramento on Thursday, May 3, at 2 pm.

The California legislature is the second state to 
introduce such a measure; the Missouri 
legislature introduced a similar resolution in 
late February.  The Gulf Coast Civic Works 
Project has received support from several key 
allies, among which are Congressman Bennie 
Thompson of Mississippi, Chair of Homeland 
Security Committee, and two of the major 
grassroots organizations in the region: Louisiana 
ACORN and All Congregations Together (ACT).

For more information, please see 

Draft Resolution:

WHEREAS, Hurricane Katrina damaged over 200,000 Gulf Coast homes; and

WHEREAS, Hurricane Katrina destroyed schools, 
hospitals, roads, community centers, bridges, parks, and forest lands; and

WHEREAS, the federal government's response to 
this unprecedented disaster has been ineffective and weak; and

WHEREAS, 101,000 Louisianans have applied for aid 
to rebuild their homes, and several thousand 
people have received grant assistance; and

WHEREAS, during the Great Depression, when the 
United States faced a crisis, our country created 
800,000 jobs in two weeks, and more than 4 million jobs in two months; and

WHEREAS, Public workers in projects such as the 
Works Progress Administration (WPA) during the 
Great Depression built or repaired 2,500 
hospitals, 6,000 schools, 13,000 playgrounds, and 
built the Golden Gate Bridge; and

WHEREAS, the neglect of the Gulf Coast after the 
impact of Hurricane Katrina is a tragedy that 
requires the attention of every American, 
regardless of party affiliation or state residence; now therefore, be it

Resolved by the Assembly and the Senate of the 
State of California, jointly, That the 
Legislature supports the passage of federal 
legislation based on the Gulf Coast Civic Works 
Project, a national effort to create 100,000 jobs 
for Gulf Coast residents to rebuild their communities; and be it further

Resolved, That a WPA-like project for the Gulf 
Coast will rebuild homes and shattered lives, and 
will restore faith in our federal government; and be it further

Resolved, that the Chief Clerk of the Assembly 
transmit copies of this resolution to each 
Senator and Representative from California in the 
Congress of the United States and President of 
the United States urging their support in passing this federal legislation.

The Gulf Coast Civic Works Project is the 
national effort to develop federal legislation
to create 100,000 jobs to rebuild the region using Gulf Coast residents.

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