[News] World Petition for Posada Trial

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Mon Apr 16 14:44:05 EDT 2007


World Petition for Posada Trial

Havana, Apr 16 (Prensa Latina) On Monday 
personalities of the world demand US President 
George W. Bush try international terrorist Posada 
Carriles for the crimes he really committed or 
agreed on his extradition to Venezuela.

The pronouncement was written by the Argentinean 
Adolfo Perez Esquivel, US citizens Noam Chomsky, 
Alice Walker, Cindy Sheehan and Danny Glover, 
Brazilians Oscar Niemeyer and Frei Betto, the 
Uruguayan Eduardo Galeano and the French-Spanish 
Manu Chao, among other personalities.

Prensa Latina prints below the whole text of the 
call of the Network in Defense of Humanity:

"Posada Carriles must be tried for his crimes"

While in the name of the struggle against 
terrorism hundreds of thousand of persons have 
been killed in Iraq and Afghanistan and others 
who have been arbitrarily arrested are tortured 
in Abu Ghraib in Guantanamo, the US government 
protects the most famous terrorist of the western 
hemisphere, trying to deceive public opinion with 
many pseudo-legal manoeuvres and refusing to charge him for his real crimes.

Luis Posada Carriles was accused and had an 
unfinished trial in Venezuela for a 1976 attack 
against a civil plane where 73 people died. After 
he escaped from Venezuelan prisons in 1982 he 
worked for the CIA service in the well-known 
Iran-contra operation and the genocidal operation 
Condor. In 1977 he prepared a series of terrorist 
attacks on Havana hotels and in 2000 he planned 
to kill President Fidel Castro in Panama University and so on.

In March 2004 Posada Carriles illegally entered 
the United States and only after reiterated 
denunciations of his illegal presence there, the 
George W. Bush government arrested him and 
charged him for immigration crimes, without referring to terrorism.

US authorities have shown double morality in 
their war on terrorism, in which they torture, kidnap and bomb.

The signatories demand the US government fulfill 
its international obligations, charge Posada 
Carriles for all his crimes or accept the Venezuela request of extradition.

The first signatures include Adolfo Perez 
Esquivel, Argentina; Noam Chomsky, US, Oscar 
Niemeyer, Brazil; Alfonso Sastre, Spain; Eduardo 
Galeano, Uruguay; Danny Glover; US Istvan 
Meszaros, Hungary; Alice Walker, US Gianni Mina, 
Italy; Blanca Chancosa, Ecuador; Cindy Shehan, 
US, Manu Chao, France-Spain; Boaventura de Sousa, 
Portugal; Frei Betto, Brazil; Mario Benedetti, 
Uruguay; Ariel Dorfman, Chile-US Tristan Bauer, 
Argentina; Hebe de Bonafini, Argentina, Howard 
Zinn, US; Armand Mattelart, Belgium; Gioconda 
Belli, Nicaragua; Russell Banks, US; Nora 
Cortiñas, Argentina; Joao Pedro Stedile, Brazil; 
Medea Benjamin, US Roy Brown, Puerto Rico; Belen 
Gopegui, Spain; Hildebrando Perez Grande, Peru; 
Luis Britto, Venezuela; Jane Franklin, US; Daniel 
Viglietti, Uruguay; Emir Sader, Brazil; Miguel 
Bonasso, Argentina; Lucius Walker, US; Piero 
Gleijeises, Italy-US; Gianni Vattimo, Italy; 
Jorge Enrique Adoum, Ecuador; Juan Gelman, 
Agentine; Michel Collon, Belgium; James Petras, 
US; Francois Houtart, Belgium; Stella Calloni, 
Argentina; Eric Toussaint, Belgium; Atilio Boron, 
Argentina; Naomi Klein, Canada; Pascual Serrano, 
Spain; Manuel Cabieses, Chile; Keith Ellis, 
Canada; Michael Parenti, US; Arturo Corcuera, 
Peru; Beverly Keene, US- Argentina; Carlos Fazio, 
Mexico; Ramon Chao, Spain France; James Early, 
US; Jorge Sanjines, Bolivia; Franz Hinkelammert, 
Germany-Costa Rica; Adolfo Sanchez Vazquez, 
Spain-Mexico; Volodia Teitelboim, Chile; Noe 
Jitrik, Argentina; Wim Dierckxens, Holand-Costa 
Rica; Victor Victor, Dominican Republic; Fernando 
Buen Abad, Mexico; Saul Landau, US; Salim 
Lamrani, France; Juan Madrid, Spain; Rene Burri, 
Suitzerland; Luisa Valenzuela, Argentina; Carlos 
Fernandez Liria, Spain; Jose Steinsleger, 
Argentina-Mexico; Roberto Montoya, Argentina; 
Fernando Morais, Brazil; Federico Alvarez, 
Mexico; Montserrat Ponsa, Spain; Hector 
Diaz-Polanco, Mexico; Setsuko Ono, US; Antonio 
Maira, Spain; Marilia Guimaraes, Brazil; Pepe 
Viñoles, Sweden; Ana Delicado Palacios, Spain; 
Tununa Mercado, Argentina; Winston Orrillo, Peru; 
John Gerassi, US; Santiago Alba Rico, Spain; 
Gilberto Lopez y Rivas, Mexico; Rafael Cancel 
Miranda, Puerto Rico; James Cockcroft, US; Eva 
Forest, Spain; Juan Mari Bras, Puerto Rico; Mich 
ile Mattelart, France; Donatella Meszaros, Italy; 
Victor Flores Olea, Mexico; Maribel Permuy, 
Spain; Hernando Calvo Ospina, Colombia; Rosina 
Valcarcel, Peru; Pablo Guayasamin, Ecuador; 
Isaura Navarro, Spain; Pilar Roca, Peru; Carlos 
Gabetta, Argentina; Etna Velarde, Peru; Ernesto 
Carmona, Chile; Nestor Kohan, Argentina; Vicente 
Romano, Spain; Vicente Battista, Argentina; 
Carlos "Chino" Dominguez, Peru; Nazanin Amirian, 
Iran; Higinio Polo, España; Beinusz Szmukler, 
Argentina; Pablo Romo, Mexico; Aton Fon Filho, 
Brazil; Manuel Talens, Spain; Alcira Argumedo, 
Argentina; Jacek Wozniak; Polond; David Acera, 
Spain; Arnoldo Mora, Costa Rica; Juan Cristobal, 
Peru; Julio Cesar Monge, El Salvador; Harald 
Neuber; Germany; Alfredo Vera, Ecuador; Fernando 
Rendon, Colombia; Leslee Lee, Peru; Angel Guerra, 
Cuba; Alessandra Riccio, Italy; Atilio Bonilla, 
Peru; Gennaro Carotenuto, Italy; Javier Couso, 
Spain; Reynaldo Naranjo, Peru; Carlos Varea, 
España; Gustavo Espinoza, Peru; John Pateman, 
United Kingdom; Hector Arenas, Colombia; Federico 
Garcia, Peru; Eva Bj rklund; Sweden; Jordan 
Flaherty, US; Bruno Portugal, Peru; Raul Zurita, 
Chile; Gloria La Riva, US; Francisco Cañizales, 
Venezuela; Marta Harnecker, Chile; Peter Bohmer, 
US; Ann Sparanese, US; Francisco (Pancho) Villa, 
Chile; Yhonny Garcia, Venezuela; Patricia Ariza, 
Colombia; Raul Vallejo, Ecuador; Georges E. 
Maouvois, Martinique; Isidora Aguirre, Chile; 
Antoine Chao, France; Xiomara Garcia Venezuela; 
Sara Rosenberg, Argentina; Fernando Butazzoni, 
Uruguay; Danielle Bleitrach, France; Jaime Chao, 
France; Miguel Urbano, Portugal.

To join the group: edhcuba at cubarte.cult.cu 
www.porlajusticia.cu www.porlajusticia.net 
www.porlajusticia.org www.porlajusticia.info www.porlajusticia.com

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