[News] New Orleans - Assault on Resurrection City!

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Apr 5 08:51:26 EDT 2007

Assault on Resurrection City! The Struggle Continues.

Monday, April 2, 2007

At approximately 10 am this morning the City of New Orleans, under 
the leadership of Mayor Ray Nagin and the authority of the Housing 
Authority of New Orleans (HANO), dismantled Resurrection City.

Resurrection City is an encampment at the St. Bernard projects 
erected by Survivors Village and its allies including the People's 
Hurricane Relief Fund, Common Ground Relief, and C3/Hands Off 
Iberville on Saturday, March 24th and Sunday, March 25th, 2007 to 
stand as a symbol of hope, resolve, and rejuvenation in the struggle 
for the right of return for all those displaced by the Hurricane and 
Great Flood, particularly the residents of public housing.

Apparently this symbol of hope and the possibility it posses for a 
genuine return for the mainly Black working class residents of public 
housing who are being systematically cleansed from New Orleans is too 
much for Mayor Ray Nagin and HANO to stomach. However, Survivors 
Village and its allies are more resolved than ever that Resurrection 
City will be rebuilt, that public housing will be opened by all 
means, and that affordable housing and genuine tenants rights will be 
won for the displaced to ensure that they can come home.

Survivors Village, PHRF, and all the supporters of public housing are 
asking everyone to stand with us in advancing this struggle. We are 
calling for a national mobilization to rebuild Resurrection City on 
Saturday, June 2nd, 2007. You can support this initiative by: a) 
donating funds for the rebuilding effort, b) volunteering in the 
construction effort, and c) volunteering to live in the encampment 
for two to three weeks after it is rebuilt.

For more information contact:
Endesha Juakali
504. 239.2907
ejkssno at yahoo.com

Also visit www.survivorsvillage.com or www.peopleshurricane.org for 
more information and updates.

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