[News] Israeli forces steal millions from Palestinian currency exchange shops and banks

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Sep 20 12:03:12 EDT 2006

Two articles follow!

Israeli forces steal millions from Palestinian currency exchange 
shops and banks


(West Bank) Palestine News Network
Wednesday, 20 September 2006

Israeli forces broke into Palestinian currency exchange shops and 
banks throughout the West Bank Wednesday morning, taking money and 
computers. While Israeli forces invaded Jenin Refugee Camp with 30 
military vehicles, other Israeli soldiers stole over one million 
shekels from a currency exchange shop in Jenin City.

Official Palestinian security sources report that Israeli forces 
besieged several neighborhoods, including the Old City, Al Sibat and 
Sayyadiin, culminating in an assault on the refugee camp. At the same 
time the theft was underway.

An Israeli military spokesperson said today the raids on 24 exchange 
shops and banks throughout the West Bank in Jenin, Nablus, Tulkarem 
and Ramallah, were conducted under the pretext that "terrorist" 
organizations abroad are funding Palestinian organizations in the West Bank.

Mohamed Nassar, of the Foundation for Exchange, told PNN that 
soldiers forced him from his home amid heavy guard to his office. 
Israeli soldiers destroyed the gate and "took everything," a sum of 
one million and one hundred thousand shekels.

Soldiers also stormed Jenin's Exchange for Dreamers, owned by Sa'ed 
Abu Marar. The exchange shop's manager, Hussein Younis Abu Marar, 
reported that Israeli forces confiscated the contents, including the 
money and computers.

In Nablus Israeli forces broke into a bank and  five exchange shops, 
robbing them of large sums of money and arresting an employee in one 
of the shops. He was 40 year old Ghaleb Swedan.

Palestinian security sources said that tens of military vehicles 
stormed the National Bank in the city center near the cinema. The 
five exchange shops are also in Nablus' center. In the Alian Exchange 
Israeli soldiers started the furniture on fire and stole tens of 
thousands of Jordanian dinars.

Nablus' Mayor reported that fire crews arrived at the shops to put 
out fires and bring officials to preserve what remains of the 
contents. As not all stores were burnt, there are some with in-tact contents.

Before Israeli forces began robbing the northern West Bank of its 
funds this morning, they invaded the Nablus District's Al Ein Refugee 
Camp and exchanged fire with members of the armed resistance.

To the southwest in Tulkarem, Israeli forces confiscated computers 
and large sums of money from local banks and currency exchange shops. 
They also arrested three citizens: Ibrahim Abu Hasib and his cousin 
Qasim, and Kamal Dhiab.

In Ramallah City Israeli forces stole money from several banks, 
including all funds available at the city's largest.

Hamas: Theft in financial institutions part of Israeli policy of 
siege and starvation

(Nablus) Amin Abu Wardeh
Wednesday, 20 September 2006

Hamas leadership member Khalid Al Haj told PNN Wednesday that this 
morning's assault on West Bank financial institutions is part of the 
"rabid Israeli occupation army's campaign and government policy of 
starving the Palestinian people."

Al Haj equated the raids with "obtaining free concessions by 
blackmailing starving people," while commenting on the ongoing 
political and financial blockade that has left the Palestinian 
economy in shambles.

The Hamas leader continued to say that destroying the economy piece 
by piece "reveals how the arrogant occupiers are trying to starve the 
Palestinian people, stop all hope of economic independence and 
sustainability, and put an end to the steadfastness that the 
Palestinian people have shown in protecting their land."

Al Haj pointed out that property theft is a crime, regardless of the 
claim. He said that stripping the occupied population of their 
livelihoods, in the fields, factories, or professions, is a flagrant 
violation of international norms and charters.

The Hamas leader called for international prosecution of occupation 
crimes and compensation for the losses the Palestinian people have suffered.

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