[News] Israeli has arrested a quarter of the Palestinian population since the occupation began

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Sep 19 11:58:48 EDT 2006

Israeli forces have arrested a quarter of the population since the 
1967 occupation began

Palestine News Network
Tuesday, 19 September 2006


The Palestinian Ministry Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs 
Statistics Department issued a report Tuesday on political prisoners 
in Israeli jails.

The photo shown appeared for a brief period on the Ha'aretz Daily 
website with the caption, "Israeli court" a few years ago.

Since 1967 Israeli forces arrested 700,000 citizens, or roughly 25 
percent of the Palestinian population of the West Bank, including 
East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip.

Fifty-thousand of them were arrested during the Al Aqsa Intifada, 
which began in September 2000. The number of current prisoners is 
approximately 10,300. Those who have been imprisoned since before 
Oslo, and therefore required to be released numerous times, number 367.

Israeli forces arrested over 5,000 Palestinian children since 
September 2000. Three hundred and ninety of them are still in Israeli 
prisons, comprising 3.8 percent of the current total number.

Eight of the children are being held under Administrative Detention, 
which means without charge or trial. Two-hundred fifty-five children 
are awaiting trial, 105 children are ill and in need of medical care, 
and 99 percent of the children were subjected to torture. There are 
667 teenaged Palestinians at 18 and 19 years old, therefore not 
included in the children's statistics.

As documented by the Statistics Department, 183 political prisoners 
were killed by torture in interrogation cells, willful killing after 
arrest, and medical neglect.

Four hundred twenty-four political prisoners have been in Israeli 
jails for more than 10 years, and 64 more than 20 years.

Regarding the general health, it can be said without exaggeration 
that all prisoners suffer from various illnesses due to the harsh 
conditions in the prisons. Serious diseases number 1,000 with 200 
chronic cases.

Israel made torture, and internationally banned forms of physical and 
psychological abuse, legal. The Israelis use physical and 
psychological abuse, including beatings, refrigeration, fear, violent 
shaking, standing for long periods of time, sleep deprivation, food 
deprivation, relatives tortured, spitting in the face, being shackled 
while bent, beatings in the stomach, back and head, etcetera, to 
destroy a person's will and obtain false or coerced 'confessions.'

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