[News] Israeli forces close Palestinian Prisoner Support headquarters

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Fri Sep 8 12:19:15 EDT 2006

Political prisoner support centers latest targets for closure

(Nablus) Amin Abu Wardeh
Friday, 08 September 2006

Israeli forces closed Palestinian Prisoner Support headquarters in 
the West Bank and inside the Green Line. A large contingent of 
soldiers stormed the Nablus office Friday.

The Director General, Mohammad Basharat, told PNN that the invasion 
began at 3:30 am. Israeli soldiers beat and detained whoever they 
could find in the vicinity, including a security guard and a Reuters 

The military confiscated five computers, documents and files from the 
eighth floor and issued a written notice from the Israeli authorities 
that these particular efforts to support Palestinian political 
prisoners in Israeli jails are no longer allowed.

The notice indicated that the closure would be in effect for two 
years. Palestinians have 24 hours from the time of issuance to appeal 
the decision in the Israeli court system.

Indictments from Israeli military courts against Palestinian 
political prisoners, family details, and interviews documenting 
conditions inside Israeli prisons are among the confiscated property. 
Basharat said that Israeli soldiers raided the old offices first 
before attacking the new. A committee from the West Bank Prisoners 
Support system will go to the Israeli Supreme Court to appeal.

The Director General also said that the Ramallah offices and another 
inside the Green Line are also being shut down to coincide with the 
blockade policy against the Palestinian people.

Early Friday morning Israeli forces raided and closed the 
northwestern West Bank's Qalqilia offices.

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