[News] Leftist official says Palestinians paying the price of Israeli failure in Lebanon

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Sep 5 11:23:22 EDT 2006

Leftist official says Palestinians paying the price of Israeli 
failure in Lebanon

(Nablus) Palestine News Network
Tuesday, 05 September 2006

The Israeli government's bid to expand illegal Israeli settlements in 
the West Bank is the price the Palestinians must pay for Israel 
losing its war against Lebanon, says Taysir Khalid.

Khalid is a Palestine Liberation Organization Executive Committee 
member and leftist Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine 
Political Bureau member. He continued Tuesday's comments by saying 
that Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is taking such aggressive 
measures, at the same time announcing a freeze in the unilateral 
disengagement, in order to shut up the extremist parties. "The 
Palestinian people pay the exorbitant price by losing more regional 
contiguity and their right to have an independent and viable 
Palestinian state."

The Israeli government will expand Batar Illit Settlement, west of 
Bethlehem, and Ma'ale Adumin Settlement in eastern Jerusalem. Ma'ale 
Adumim is part of the "Jerusalem Envelope" which includes the Wall 
and settlements aimed to completely isolate the West Bank from Jerusalem.

Khalid is calling on Palestinian political parties to quickly form 
the coalition government in order to confront this latest Israeli 
violation of international law and basic human rights in as unified a 
manner as possible. He says that the Israeli government's move to 
expand settlements is being done in a hurry in order to finish them 
before the Palestinian unity government is in place.

The DFLP and PLO member also issued a call to the Quartet to push to 
implement the Road Map, the terms of which, although not a dream come 
true for Palestinians, does call for the Israelis to stop settlement 
activity, targeted assassinations, arrests and collective punishment.

The Israeli authorities issued bid requests for 348 units in Ma'ale 
Adumim and 342 units in Betar Illit between Bethlehem and Jerusalem. 
All Israeli settlements are illegal under international law, as is 
settlement expansion.

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