[News] UN witnesses Israeli devastation of Palestinian olive harvest

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Oct 31 15:10:37 EST 2006

United Nations delegation witnesses Israeli devastation of 
Palestinian olive harvest

(Tulkarem) Palestine News Network
Tuesday, 31 October 2006

The World Food Program, in cooperation with the United Nations 
Humanitarian Coordination Office, sponsored a tour of Deir Al Ghusun 
and its agricultural lands Tuesday in honor of the olive harvest and 
all that it entails under occupation.

The northwestern West Bank's Tulkarem District town is in the midst 
of the olive harvest season, as so many Palestinian agricultural 
lands are. Today's tour included employees of UN branches and media 
organizations investigating Palestinian farmers' conditions this year.

The Director of the World Food Program joined Tulkarem's Governor, 
Tulkarem City's Mayor, the Coordinator of the National Committee 
against the Wall, a large number of farmers and citizens, and the 
Under Assistant in the Ministry of Agriculture,  also walked through 
agricultural lands north of Tulkarem.

The Governor explained how the Israeli-built Wall is causing a great 
deal of difficulty for farmers as it has swallowed vast areas of 
agricultural land planted with vegetables and olives. He said that 
the Wall contravenes international law and public opinion and asked 
that the Israeli government realize that it does not bring security 
to anyone, instead only suffering to the occupied Palestinian people. 
Governor Dweikat said, "As long as there is occupation, there is no security."

He continued, "We call upon all countries of the world to stand up 
for the Palestinian farmer who has lost his land altogether or who 
cannot access it. We also ask that you buy the Palestinian olive oil 
that we are able to produce."

The Under the Assistant of the Ministry of Agriculture stressed, "the 
importance of the olive tree, which is a part of the Muslim faith and 
heritage, and the customs and traditions of Palestine." He said that 
this year's harvest is expected to produce 35,000 tons of oil. "The 
surplus will reach 15,000 tons without proper access to outside 
markets and the Israeli Wall and settlements, and burning vast tracts 
of land and preventing farmers from reaching their own will add to the loss."
The Mayor of Deir Al Ghusun said that the town is living a nightmare. 
He recounted numerous attempts to obtain permits from the Israeli 
government that is in full occupation of this West Bank area, the 
inconsistent behavior of Israeli soldiers operating the gates in the 
Wall, and the devastating economic situation, calling for 
international support. Several farmers returned from their fields 
early as the gates close at 4 pm and briefed the delegation before 
hosting a lunch.

A well-informed source told PNN Tuesday that the World Food Program 
intends to purchase a major quantity of local olive oil in 
recognition of the suffering and the need.

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