[News] Israeli forces kill young leftist in Al Ein Refugee Camp

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Nov 16 08:47:33 EST 2006

Israeli forces kill young leftist in Al Ein Refugee Camp

(Nablus) Amin Abu Wardeh
Thursday, 16 November 2006

During Thursday's early morning attack on Al Ein Refugee Camp in the 
northern West Bank's Nablus Israeli forces killed Mohammad Salameh 
Humaydan. Eyewitnesses report that Israeli forces surrounded the camp 
and began converting citizens' houses into military installations and 
checkpoints, after storming dozens of sleeping homes.

Humaydan was on the balcony of his family's home watching the 
incursion when Israeli soldiers opened fire on the 25 year old, 
instantly killing him. He was a member of the left Popular Front for 
the Liberation of Palestine's armed resistance wing.

The camp was in ruins with Israeli forces wreaking havoc, destroying 
personal belongings inside houses after dragging family members into 
the streets.

Also Thursday Israeli forces raided Nablus' Balata Refugee Camp in 
the eastern part of the city. Members of the armed resistance 
responded to that invasion which is one of two-days worth in both 
Balata and Askar camps which have left store fronts, homes and cars 
destroyed, in addition to the human cost.

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