[News] Worse than Rumsfeld; Another contra war figure in Bush administration

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Nov 9 08:44:26 EST 2006

From: <mailto:rdunbaro at pacbell.net>Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz
Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2006 2:31 PM
Subject: Worse than Rumsfeld; Another contra war figure in Bush administration

The excitement about Rumsfeld's demise has to be tempered by the 
appointment of Robert Gates to that position.  Gates was Asst. CIA 
director under CIA Director William Casey in the Reagan 
administration, and CIA director in the first Bush administration, 
his confirmation contested for several reasons, but mainly his role 
in the contra war.  Last year, Gates was George W. Bush's first 
choice for National Intelligence Director, which Gates declined; John 
Negroponte, an even worse character for his role in the contra war, 
was appointed.  More evidence that US covert and open sponsorship of 
death squads, torture, and manipulation of elections in Central 
America was indeed "Empire's Workshop" for the present situation, as 
Greg Grandin's new book by that name recounts. Debates in the 
Democratic controlled Senate about Gate's 1991 appointment as CIA 
Director are available on the internet, e.g. 

It seems a good time to bring up the contra war again in the Senate 
confirmation hearings to come in Gates' confirmation process, 
especially if the Democrats take the Senate.

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