[News] Israeli attacks on northern Gaza Strip begin again, killing 20 more Palestinians

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Nov 8 08:55:57 EST 2006

Israeli attacks on northern Gaza Strip begin again, killing 20 more 

(Beit Hanoun) Wisam Afifeh
Wednesday, 08 November 2006

Residents of Beit Hanoun awoke Wednesday to the sound of explosions 
and screams. Israeli forces were firing artillery shells on Hamad 
Street in the northern Gaza Strip town, pummeled by a week of 
invasions. During this morning's attack Israeli forces killed 20 
Palestinians and injured dozens. Several people are in critical 
condition, leaving additional deaths eminent according to medical sources.

Since the invasion began seven days ago, Israeli forces killed 
approximately 80 Palestinians and wounded hundreds more. Among them 
are tens of children, civilians, and members of the armed resistance.

One eyewitness told PNN that Israeli forces were deliberately 
targeting the Al Kavarneh home near a local school. When residents 
awoke they began to gather scattered body parts. Children who 
survived the attack were screaming while family members scrambled to 
make sense of the devastation.

Ambulances were unable to handle the number of killed and injured, 
resulting in several people being transported to the northern Gaza 
Strip's Kamal Adwan Hospital.

Several eyewitnesses confirmed reports that Israeli forces issued no 
warning before beginning the shelling coming after a night of 
relative calm compared to recent days. A Ministry of Health 
spokesperson, Khalid Radi, said that medical teams had difficulty 
counting the number of killed and identifying them as their charred 
remains were in pieces.

Earlier Wednesday Israeli forces stormed eastern Jabaliya. 
Eyewitnesses in that northern Gaza City town reported that dozens of 
tanks and military vehicles invaded with several bulldozers. Under 
air cover Israeli forces opened machine gun fire at homes and 
property, while bulldozers destroyed large tracts of land.

The witnesses added that the Israeli shelling caused material damage 
to houses and property, but the number of injuries in Jabaliya was unclear.

The early Wednesday attacks come after residents believed the worse 
was over with Israeli forces withdrawing to the eastern edges of the 
Gaza Strip on Tuesday after a six-day attack that left approximately 
63 Palestinians dead, 300 injured and 65 detained. Now in its seventh 
day, the Israeli invasion of Beit Lahia, Jabaliya and Beit Hanoun is 
bringing renewed horror to the lives of the people of the northern Gaza Strip.

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