[News] Stop Saying This Is a Nation of Immigrants!

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue May 30 14:08:27 EDT 2006


Stop Saying This Is a Nation of Immigrants!

by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz

A nation of immigrants: This is a convenient myth 
developed as a response to the 1960s movements 
against colonialism, neocolonialism, and white 
supremacy.  The ruling class and its brain trust 
offered multiculturalism, diversity, and 
affirmative action in response to demands for 
decolonization, justice, reparations, social 
equality, an end of imperialism, and the 
rewriting of history -- not to be "inclusive" -- 
but to be accurate.  What emerged to replace the 
liberal melting pot idea and the nationalist 
triumphal interpretation of the "greatest country 
on earth and in history," was the "nation of immigrants" story.

By the 1980s, the “waves of immigrants” story 
even included the indigenous peoples who were so 
brutally displaced and murdered by settlers and 
armies, accepting the flawed "Bering Straits" 
theory of indigenous immigration some 12,000 
years ago.  Even at that time, the date was known 
to be wrong, there was evidence of indigenous 
presence in the Americas as far back as 50,000 
years ago, and probably much longer, and entrance 
by many means across the Pacific and the Atlantic 
-- perhaps, as Vine Deloria jr. put it, footsteps 
by indigenous Americans to other continents will 
one day be acknowledged.  But, the new official 
history texts claimed, the indigenous peoples 
were the "first immigrants."  They were followed, 
it was said, by immigrants from England and 
Africans, then by Irish, and then by Chinese, 
Eastern and Southern Europeans, Russians, 
Japanese, and Mexicans.  There were some 
objections from African Americans to referring to 
enslaved Africans hauled across the ocean in 
chains as "immigrants," but that has not deterred 
the "nation of immigrants" chorus.

Misrepresenting the process of European 
colonization of North America, making everyone an 
immigrant, serves to preserve the "official 
story" of a mostly benign and benevolent USA, and 
to mask the fact that the pre-US independence 
settlers, were, well, settlers, colonial setters, 
just as they were in Africa and India, or the 
Spanish in Central and South America.  The United 
States was founded as a settler state, and an 
imperialistic one from its inception ("manifest 
destiny," of course).  The settlers were English, 
Welsh, Scots, Scots-Irish, and German, not 
including the huge number of Africans who were 
not settlers.  Another group of Europeans who 
arrived in the colonies also were not settlers or 
immigrants: the poor, indentured, convicted, 
criminalized, kidnapped from the working class 
(vagabonds and unemployed artificers), as Peter 
Linebaugh puts it, many of who opted to join indigenous communities.

Only beginning in the 1840s, with the influx of 
millions of Irish Catholics pushed out of Ireland 
by British policies, did what might be called 
"immigration" begin.  The Irish were 
discriminated against cheap labor, not 
settlers.  They were followed by the influx of 
other workers from Scandinavia, Eastern and 
Southern Europe, always more Irish, plus Chinese 
and Japanese, although Asian immigration was soon 
barred.   Immigration laws were not even enacted 
until 1875 when the US Supreme Court declared the 
regulation of immigration a federal 
responsibility.  The Immigration Service was established in 1891.

Buried beneath the tons of propaganda -- from the 
landing of the English “pilgrims” (fanatic 
Protestant Christian evangelicals) to James 
Fennimore Cooper’s phenomenally popular “Last of 
the Mohicans” claiming “natural rights” to not 
only the indigenous peoples territories but also 
to the territories claimed by other European 
powers -- is the fact that the founding of the 
United States was a division of the Anglo empire, 
with the US becoming a parallel empire to Great 
Britain.  From day one, as was specified in the 
Northwest Ordinance that preceded the US 
Constitution, the new republic for empire (as 
Jefferson called the US) envisioned the future 
shape of what is now the lower 48 states of the 
US.  They drew up rough maps, specifying the 
first territory to conquer as the "Northwest 
Territory," ergo the title of the 
ordinance.  That territory was the Ohio Valley 
and the Great Lakes region, which was filled with 
indigenous farming communities.

Once the conquest of the "Northwest Territory" 
was accomplished through a combination of 
genocidal military campaigns and bringing in 
European settlers from the east, and the 
indigenous peoples moved south and north for 
protection into other indigenous territories, the 
republic for empire annexed Spanish Florida where 
runaway enslaved Africans and remnants of the 
indigenous communities that had escaped the Ohio 
carnage fought back during three major wars 
(Seminole wars) over two decades.  In 1828, 
Jackson (who had been a general leading the 
Seminole wars) pushed through the Indian Removal 
Act to force all the agricultural indigenous 
nations of the Southeast, from Georgia to the 
Mississippi River, to transfer to Oklahoma 
territory that had been gained through the 
Purchase" from France.  Anglo settlers with 
enslaved Africans seized the indigenous 
agricultural lands for plantation agriculture in 
the Southern region.  Many moved on into the 
Mexican province of Texas -- then came the US 
military invasion of Mexico in 1846, seizing 
Mexico City and forcing Mexico to give up its 
northern half through the 1848 Treaty of 
Guadalupe Hidalgo.  California, Arizona, New 
Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Texas were then opened to 
"legal" Anglo settlement, also legalizing those 
who had already settled illegally, and in Texas 
by force.  The indigenous and the poor Mexican 
communities in the seized territory, such as the 
Apache, Navajo, and Comanche, resisted 
colonization, as they had resisted the Spanish 
empire, often by force of arms, for the next 40 
years.  The small class of Hispanic elites 
welcomed and collaborated with US occupation.

Are "immigrants" the appropriate designation for 
the indigenous peoples of North America?  No.

Are "immigrants" the appropriate designation for enslaved Africans?  No.

Are "immigrants" the appropriate designation for 
the original European settlers?  No.
Are "immigrants" the appropriate designation for 
Mexicans who migrate for work to the United States?  No.

  They are migrant workers crossing a border 
created by US military force.  Many crossing that 
border now are also from Central America, from 
the small countries that were ravaged by US 
military intervention in the 1980s and who also 
have the right to make demands on the United States.

So, let's stop saying "this is a nation of immigrants."


is a long-time activist, university professor, 
and writer. In addition to numerous scholarly 
books and articles, she has written three 
historical memoirs, 
<http://www.reddirtsite.com/>Red Dirt: Growing Up 
Okie (Verso, 1997), 
Woman: Memoir of the War Years, 1960–1975 (City 
Lights, 2002), and 
on the Border: A Memoir of the Contra War (South 
End Press, 2005) about the 1980s contra war against the Sandinistas.



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