[News] 3rd Anniversary Cessation of Vieques bombing

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Mon May 1 13:21:51 EDT 2006

From: Comité Pro Rescate y Desarrollo de Vieques <bieke at prdigital.com>

The Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques (CRDV) celebrates
today the victory of our community ­ with the solidarity of the Puerto Rican
nation in the archipelago and in the diaspora and lots of people from other
countries ­ that defeated the most powerful military force in the history of
humanity.  May First 2003 is an historic day of great and positive meaning
for Vieques, for all Puerto Ricans and for communities throughout the world
struggling against militarism.

We stopped the bombing that for more than half a century destroyed our
natural resources and poisoned the environment.  Since May First, 2003,
Vieques has had the opportunity to cure the wounds of its sea and sands,
corals and lagoons.  We regained control over an important piece of our
lands ­ 4 thousand acres, including a very important point for our maritime
transportation to the main island.  We put an end to a period of constant
danger and the ever present threat of an explosion in the civilian sector, a
plane crash in the population area, a helicopter accident near a school,
street violence by gangs of drunken sailors

And on May 1, 2003 we stopped the military use of Vieques to attack our
brothers and sisters of the Americas and other parts of the globe where US
militarism works in the service of the economic and politic interests of

 What we achieved on May First, 2003 ­ and it is crucial we remember
and recognize the many moments of struggle prior to the death of David Sanes
­ this was truly an amazing feat that we must remember and teach the next
generations as a point of reference for the struggles that continue.

Everyone is very conscious of the serious problems of speculation,
contamination, lack of democracy in the clean up and in the planning
processes at the local and national levels of government related to Vieques.
The struggle for justice and peace is far from over in Vieques.  The CRDV
maintains, since May First, 2003, that Peace is More than the Cessation of
Bombing.  Without our lands in the hands of the community, there is NO
Peace.  Speculation and displacement of our families robs us of our peace.
The ‘bombing’ that continues on the Eastern end of Vieques ­ now part of
what the Navy calls, “clean up” ­ violates our right to live in peace.
Large economic interests, teamed up with local and national polilticians,
threaten our hopes to create a sustainable, community controlled economy.
These are the realities of this post bombing phase of the Vieques struggle.

However, this reality will not take from us the delight of the great victory
of May First.  For future generations of Viequenses and for antimilitary
fighters in different parts of the planet, the victory of stopping the
bombing on that International Workers Day three years ago will be a moment
of inspiration to continue on the way to a better world.

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