[News] Father Jean Juste released, transferred to Miami Hospital

Anti-Imperialist News News at freedomarchives.org
Mon Jan 30 08:42:50 EST 2006

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From: erzilidanto at yahoo.com
Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2006 12:15:54 -0800 (PST)

Father Jean Juste Has been Released

Yesterday, father Jean Juste was brought to the 
Canapervert hospital in Haiti to be seen by 
oncologist experts the illegal Haitian 
authorities had engaged who never showed up.

Father Jean Juste was visibly suffering from 
leukemia and the ravages of pneumonia, 
complaining of shortness of breath. After keeping 
him at the hospital for three hours, our source 
indicates the de facto Haitian authorities told 
Jean Juste there was no bed and no doctors to see 
him and returned him back to prison.

This morning father Jean Juste was 
"conditionally" released from prison and, is 
currently, as I write this piece, landed in Miami 
and going through immigration. He will then head 
to a Miami hospital, accompanied by Bill Quigley, 
Dr. Jennifer Furin, from the Harvard Medical 
School, representatives from Veye Yo, including 
Lavarice Gaudin and Miami's Haitian community.

Men Anpil Chay Pa lou!

But, there are over 1,000 Haitian political 
prisoners in Haiti. Like Jean Juste, many of them 
were handed over to this US-orchestrated 
lawlessness by the MINUSTHA (UN) forces. Fact is, 
Mario Andresol and Latortue's so-called 
"preventive detention" is nothing more than official kidnapping.

Today's New York Times article barely scratches 
the surface of US meddling in Haitian affairs 
(See, Democracy Undone: Mixed US Signals Helped 
Tilt Haiti Towards 
) The crucial implication made in this article is 
that Ambassador James Foley was MORE amenable to 
applying IRI/Stanley Lucas' "no-negotiation" 
policy for unseating the elected government of 
President Aristide than Ambassador Dean Curran 
was.  Yet, the article doesn't mention, what 
Haitians see as the callous and criminal roles of 
former Ambassador James Foley and now Haiti 
Democracy Project's Timothy Carney in the removal 
of over 7,000 elected and appointed Haitian 
officials and the return of the bloody Haitian 
army, with the international community supporting 
TEN years back pay to this murderous group. It 
does hangs Stanley Lucas out to dry, but fails to 
mention the culpability of the respondiat 
superior, President Bush, IRI’s ultimate boss. 
Or, the culpability of those on IRI’s board, such 
as, Republican foreign-policy heavyweights and 
lobbyists, and its chairman Senator John McCain, 
who some say is the 2008 Republican presidential hopeful to contend with.

So, perhaps this New York Times article is more 
damage control, than a willingness to tell the 
truth. Even so, for those who have refused to 
give credence to HLLN's advocacy and reporting of 
US orchestration of the bi-centennial coup 
d'etat, its training of the former Haitian 
military and coup d'etat paramilitaries to launch 
the violence against Haiti's fledging democracy, 
this article is a must read as it is a speck of 
truth in the darkness of Washington's bottomless 
deceptions and lies about Haiti. It begins to 
identify, for the well, the Washington Chimeres.

It begins to outlines why Haitian death and 
failures serves Washington's interests and 
Halliburton and Chevron's interests. Haiti at war 
makes them profits, allows for waste of AID 
monies that never helps to develop Haiti, but to 
enrich Washington NGO's, former USAID mission 
directors, and State Department and UN officials and cronies with jobs.

Still even though this "Democracy Undone" article 
still speaks in (Einaudi, Reich, Noreiga's) 
forked tongue, it is a marked departure for the 
New York Times from the normal obfuscations and 
half-truths. It begin an analysis we hope shal 
continue and be delved further into. 
) It renews our campaign to request an 
investigation of US officials in Haiti and their 
corrupting roles. The article should interests 
some US Congresspeople to press again for an investigation.

The timing though is interesting. Why now? 
Poukisa New York Times kase kord avek Bush 
kounye-a? A few days before the State of the 
Union Address? The day Jean Juste is release?

Those of us in the know merely see another con 
job in the making. For, I know for a fact, was 
there at the Montana Hotel on Dec. 31, 2003 when 
Luigi R. Einaudi, who led the so-called 
"international effort" to find a political 
settlement on behalf of the Organization of 
American States to Haiti's manufactured crisis, 
said very pointedly and CLEARLY not that the 
problem in Haiti was, as the New York Times 
article writes he said "What you had was the 
constant undermining of the credibility of the 
negotiators, by (IRI)" but Luigi R. Einaudi, said 
very clearly and audibly that "the problem in 
Haiti is that the international community is so 
screwed up, it is letting Haitians run Haiti..." 
This is not second hand info. He said it in front 
of me. I wrote it down I was so aghast at the 
blatant and racist acknowledgement of why coup 
d'etat was necessary and, this said, by the chief 
OAS negotiator for democratic principles!!!.

France, Canada and the US used their considerable 
political, diplomatic and economic powers to help 
orchestrate Haiti's bi-centennial coup d'etat and 
occupation, while the New York Times and other 
major corporate media ran this international 
community's spins, - ran their spiel that the 
violence in Haiti was a "popular movement" that 
rose up from Haitian soil, (not out of IRI and 
USAID democracy enhancement programs, the denial 
of IDB loans and/or from Dominican hotels 
meetings and conference with Guy Phillipe in 
possible attendance.) No, the New York Times 
trumpeted, to all and sundry, the Otto 
Reich/Roger Noriega line, that President Aristide 
had lost popular support and backing, was as 
corrupt as former dictators and said corruption 
led to the coup d'etat. It hardly ever tempered 
that main lines with the truth of US involvement, 
with USAID/Ire’s involvement - its subverting 
Haiti's judges, journalists, and so-called civil 
society with visas, jobs and other rewards in 
order to oppose the democratically elected 
government, or talk of the training of the armed 
Haitian soldiers and paramilitaries in the 
Dominican Republic, or  Ambassador Foley's and 
Noreiga's role or culpability in helping to 
undermine and then remove Haiti's fragile 
democratic institutions and elected government.

So, why now is IRI being exposed and Einaudi 
spouting this "moderate" position on Haiti? 
Wasn’t Einaudi part of the cabal helping block an 
OAS investigation into the coup d'etat, and 
before that the Caricom and UN suggestions for 
investigation? Would Einaudi now care to push for 
an OAS investigation into the coup d'etat?

In our opinion, today, because of Ennui’s (OAS) 
"negotiations" or lack thereof in good faith, 
because of the Ottawa Initiative, because of the 
IRI conferences in the Dominican Republic and 
their consequences, over 10,000 Haitians are 
dead; the US Marines put 70-year old grandmother, 
So Ann, in indefinite detentions while US prison 
cells floating off Haiti on US ships are 
reportedly holding and torturing 
Haitian-Americans and Haitians who resist Haiti's lost of sovereignty.........

Who will tell this Haitian story? Definitely, not 
the New York Times. In fact, based on this Jan. 
29, 2006 article, the Times owe Haitians an 
apology. For all the untruths, half-truths and 
misinformation they published back in 2002-2004, 
that pushed the momentum for the bi-centennial 
coup d'etat and current unparallel chaos and 
lawlessness Haitians now must face and transform.

Without question, So Ann, who is also suffering 
with medical problems, along with Prime Minister 
Yvon Neptune, Jacques Mathelier and even children 
as young as 10, who also were rounded up, like 
cattle and warehoused by the US-supported and 
maintained Baco Raton regime must be let go also, and immediately.

Again HLLN appeals for their release, appeals for 
an investigation into the coup d'etat, an apology 
from the mainstream media for their 
misinformation and, herein, reissues our action 
alert below asking for the release of all the political prisoners in Haiti.

Call, agitate, and let’s not relent until the 
gates of these new Duvalierist prisons are forced 
open. (See: Matters for International Tribunal 
and OAS/CARICOM/African Union/U.S. Congress, et 
al - Investigating Haiti's Bi-centennial Coup D'etat
http://www.margueritelaurent.com/law/matterstoinvestigage.html )

See also: Bush Bloodbath Brought to Haiti: Coup 
D'etat Massacres, Victims and Human Rights 
Abuses:  http://www.margueritelaurent.com/law/massupdates1.html )

Marguerite Laurent, Esq.
Founder and Chair, Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network
(Dedicated to protecting the human, civil and 
cultural rights of Haitians, living at home and abroad)
January 29, 2006




Given the length of time Prime Minister Yvon 
Neptune, Interior Minister Privert, So Ann, 
Jacques Mathelier have spent in jail for no good cause that justice
deferred is justice denied.

It is equally obvious that concerned Haitians MUST do something beyond appeal
to the US Congress and State Department so that Latortue will OPEN the prison
doors to free the Fanmi Lavalas leadership as well as the more than 1000
Lavalas sympathizers he has jailed without charge or trial for close to 2
years now. We stress that the keys to Latortue's jails as well as Haiti's
liberation rest squarely in the able hands of the Haitian people.

HLLN therefore appeals again, directly to the HAITIANS in Haiti, actually
given those prison keys to hold, to stop following orders or “doing their
jobs” and, instead, do the moral and ethical thing: Take positive action and
open the prison gates. Let's not forget the over 
100 Haitian detainees shot DEAD by Latortue's prison guards on Feb. 19, 2005.

Haitians don't want charity. We don't want 
USAID's sort of "AID" - like its prisons newly 
built for Haitian children. If foreigners would 
stop meddling in Haiti's affairs, Haitians could 
develop Haiti in less than five years!

Haitians want and deserve justice. With justice 
we won't need your charity or be dependent.

Stop the injustices, sufferings and deaths the 
political prisoners in Haiti. Please. All the 
political prisoners NEED to be released 
immediately. It’s time for the law to be brought into application.

Life is too precious to be caged in what de facto 
authority, Mario Andresol is calling "preventive detention!!!"


We are asking for our Network, especially Haitians and those who speak
Kreyol, to immediately call the newspapers, television stations and radio
stations IN HAITI. (See list below)

We must let the PEOPLE OF HAITI know that Mario 
Andresol and Latortue's "preventive detention" is 
nothing more than official kidnapping.

Ayisyen, nou pa kapab ap ret chita tann "GWO MOUN" lan etazini pou ede nou.
Fok Ayisyen leve kampe pou sove lavi pè Jean Juste jodi a menm!!!

Kriminèl ki lage kidnapè Stanley Handal ak asasin Louis Jodel Chamblain yo pa
p pè touye pè Jean Juste.

We must defend our own, ourselves. We are our own liberators. We urge
Haitians to call the Haitian radio stations in 
Haiti. Let them know too many Haitians have 
already died because of this coup d'etat and 
return of the Duvalierists and their morally repugnant elites.

At this critical juncture, with Father 
Jean-Juste's being released, with the current 
January 29, 2006 New York Times article showing 
some of the truth that Haitians have known all 
along and been trying to tell the world, let's 
built the momentun, take this time to flood the 
media in Haiti and in the Diaspora, request the 
resignation of Latortue and in an investigation 
of the role of the US and the IRI in the 
resurrection of the Haitian army and this current 
rule by force, coup d'etat and dictatorship. Agitate, agitate, agitate and the
gates will open and our liberation will come.

Ayisyen, want justice and their sovereignty, not 
charity, dependency or UN protectorate.

Call, call, call and email the Haitian Radio and TV Stations IN HAITI:

Radio Solidarite (011 509) 245 5055, 245 5055, 245 5836)
E-mail: venelremarais at yahoo.fr

Radio Ginen, 246 2867
Email: radyoginen at radyoginen.com and feedback at radyoginen.com

Melodie FM 221 8568 or 221- 8596
Email: melodiefm at hotmail.com

Radio Tropic FM (011 509) 244 0571

Radio National D’ Haiti - 223 - 5712, 0r 223-6264
email: (info at radiohaiti.com)

Radio Galaxie, 223-9942 or 223-9943
Email: laradiogalaxie at yahoo.fr

Radio Vision 2000 - 245-4914
Email: administration at radiovision2000.com , and info at radiovision2000.com

Radio Kiskeya 244-6605 or 244- 6607
Email: admin at radiokiskeya.com

Radio Metropole, 246­2626 or 246-5335
E-mail: administratio at radiometropolehaiti.com

Radio Caraibe FM ­ 223-0644 or 223-6827
Email: radiocaraibesfm at yahoo.fr

Radio Megastar -

Radio Antilles - 408 - 9415, 550 - 7313

Radio Balade FM 011-509-268-6607
Email: baladefm at yahoo.com


Ask the ones you reach for the numbers for the other stations in Haiti.

Call Haitian TV stations:
Channel 11,
Tele Ginen
Television National D'Haiti.....

Association des Journalistes Haitiens (AJH) / Reuters
Guyler C. Delva | 558 - 9048 | guylerdelva at yahoo.fr

Contact information for US local and national media is:

Forwarded by the Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network

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