[News] Organizing and Resistance in New Orleans SF - Mon, 1/23

Anti-Imperialist News News at freedomarchives.org
Wed Jan 18 19:38:39 EST 2006

Featuring New Orleans organizers and journalists CC Campbell-Rock and 
Jordan Flaherty

Monday, January 23, 7:00PM
522 Valencia Street (at 16th St.)
San Francisco
$5 (no one turned away for lack of funds)


New Orleans social justice organizers CC Campbell-Rock and Jordan 
Flaherty will speak about post-Katrina organizing in New Orleans and 
among displaced survivors of Katrina in the Bay Area and elsewhere.

CC CAMPBELL-ROCK is Editor at the SF Bay View.  She is a native New 
Orleanian and earned a bachelor's degree in mass communications from 
Loyola University of the South. A veteran journalist, she has been 
the managing editor of three New Orleans-based newspapers and 
associate editor of a national magazine, and she has penned several 
hundred articles. Prior to her mandatory evacuation from New Orleans, 
Campbell-Rock produced and co-hosted "Speak Now or Forever Hold Your 
Peace," a live weekly public opinion cable broadcast, for four 
years.  She currently resides in Pleasanton, Calif, and has been 
organizing with Katrina evacuees in the Bay Area.

JORDAN FLAHERTY is a writer and organizer based in New Orleans, and 
is part of the editorial collective of Left Turn Magazine.  He was in 
New Orleans when Hurricane Katrina hit the city, and has been writing 
and organizing in New Orleans since then, working with grassroots 
organizations for justice, human rights and the right of 
return.  Flaherty's articles from the Gulf Coast after Hurricane 
Katrina have appeared in publications around the world, including Die 
Zeit in Germany, Clarin in Argentina and Juventude Rebelde in Cuba, 
and on hundreds of websites including ZNet, CommonDreams, AlterNet 
and CounterPunch.  In addition, he has written about politics and 
culture for The Village Voice, New York Press, Labor Notes, and a 
chapter in the South End Press book Live From Palestine.

For information, contact:
Sharon Martinas <<mailto:cws at igc.org>cws at igc.org> or
Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz <<mailto:rdunbaro at pacbell.net>rdunbaro at pacbell.net>

The Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 863-9977
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