[News] 2/26 Brunch for Former Panther Grand Jury Resisters

Anti-Imperialist News News at freedomarchives.org
Sat Feb 18 18:33:58 EST 2006

Meet and Celebrate
Former Panther
Grand Jury Resisters
$25 requested donation
This benefit supports the legal and political defense of the five.
For more information, call 415-869-8087.
Authentic Puerto Rican Cuisine
3451 International Blvd, Oakland
(one block from Fruitvale BART)
Sunday, Feb 26, 2006
11 am–1 pm

Honored Guests

Ray Boudreaux
John Bowman
Richard Brown
Hank Jones
Harold Taylor
grand jury resisters

$25 requested donation
This benefit supports the legal and political defense of the five.
For more information, call 415-869-8087.

Former Black Panthers Ray Boudreaux, John Bowman, 
Richard Brown, Hank Jones, and
Harold Taylor, were subpoenaed to the SF Grand 
Jury in October, 2005, but refused to
cooperate. In an attempt to coerce testimony, the 
government then imprisoned the five in
Bay Area jails for the life of the Grand Jury. 
However, they all remained strong, resistant,
and non-cooperative throughout, and all were released.
The Government alleged that black radical groups 
were involved in the 1971 shooting of
a police officer at the Ingleside Police Station. 
In 1973 when 13 “Black militants” were
arrested in New Orleans, some of them, including 
Taylor and Bowman, were brutally
tortured in striking similarity to the current 
inhuman treatment of the detainees in
Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib. San Francisco Police 
Department Inspectors Frank McCoy
and Ed Erdelatz were present during the torture 
in 1973. They are among the officers who
have been trying to reopen the case.
Since their release, the five and their 
supporters have formed The Committee for the
Defense of Human Rights and are speaking out 
about the need to resist this modern-day
Cointelpro attack and expose the US Government’s 
continued use of torture against
activists and prisoners.
Come and celebrate their resistance and join the 
effort to stop the continued use of
COINTELPRO and torture.

If you cannot attend, but would like to support 
the five, please send your generous tax
deductible donation to:

Committee for the Defense of Human Rights
CDHR/Agape Foundation
c/o Freedom Archives
522 Valencia St.
San Francisco, CA 94110

The Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 863-9977
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