[News] Left Closes Ranks with Morales

Anti-Imperialist News News at freedomarchives.org
Sat Feb 18 12:58:07 EST 2006

Left Closes Ranks with Morales


La Paz, Feb 18 (Prensa Latina) Left parties allied to Evo Morales 
warned on Friday that the process of change begun by the Bolivian 
people will be defined "in the homeland's streets and roads."

The warning was included in a joint statement issued by leaders of 
Socialista Uno Party, Revolucionario Popular, Socialista Democratico, 
Patria Socialista-Movimiento Guevarista, and Movimiento Guevarista.

They belong to the so-called historic left or social organizations 
under the umbrella of the IPSP-MAS (Political Instrument for the 
Sovereignty of the Peoples Movement Toward Socialism) led by President Morales.

Their joint statement defends the presidential proposal to convene a 
constituent assembly, with full powers for change and composed of 
grassroots delegates.

It also supports the government view that the bill should be approved 
by the first week of March, so that members of the assembly can be 
elected by July, and the constituent assembly can be installed by August.

In view of obstacles put in the way of the assembly by a minority 
rightwing and regional sectors determined to recapture the political 
initiative, the statement warns that the assembly could be achieved 
by the people in the streets if necessary.

A popular mobilization may also be necessary to guarantee a new 
Constitution that serves the legitimate interests of most Bolivians, 
the IPSP-MAS statement asserted.

Left parties also ratified their front-line presence, together with 
social movements, in every action which secures the continuity and 
defense of the current process and of Morales' government.

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