[News] Union Leader Defies FBI in Puerto Rico

Anti-Imperialist News News at freedomarchives.org
Thu Feb 16 08:45:55 EST 2006

Union Leader Defies FBI in Puerto Rico

San Juan, Feb 15 (Prensa Latina) Puerto Rican 
Association of Journalists President Oscar 
Serrano challenged US FBI Chief Luis Fraticelli 
to produce incriminating evidence against 
reporters who allegedly violated the law.

Serrano asked the FBI to tell the public how 
Puerto Rican reporters violated the law during a 
recent operation against people who supported the national independence.

He accused Fraticelli of lying and concealing 
human right violations as he justified the FBI 
operatives´ aggression on nearly ten reporters 
who were covering the police action.

Recently, federal agents raided the house of 
sociologist and union member Liliana Laboy, in the central area of Rio Piedras.

Fraticelli should not say he possesses evidence 
on the journalists´ violation of the law. He has 
to produce them before authorities to arrest the 
people responsible and take them to court, Serrano pointed out.

He asserted the Puerto Rican journalists attacked 
the FBI agents, who responded to the aggression.

The president of the association challenged the 
FBI chief in Puerto Rico to provide journalists 
with the videos he allegedly possesses on the 
journalists´ aggression on his agents, so that 
the association considers itself legally discredited."

Serrano sent a letter to Fraticelli on Tuesday. 
So far he has received no response.

The Latin American Federation of Journalists 
(FELAP) expressed its solidarity with the Puerto Rican colleagues.

According to the FELAP, that situation adds to 
the numerous human right violations that mark the 
expansionist, aggressive and arrogant US policy.


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