[News] Now, Feb. 10 in Puerto Rico: FBI in full force

Anti-Imperialist News News at freedomarchives.org
Fri Feb 10 12:30:58 EST 2006

Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2006 08:53:33 -0800 (PST)
From: Annette D'Armata <fifisaway at yahoo.com>

PLEASE let people know...this is happening right now:

Today, Friday, February 10, 2006
The FBI without informing the "government" of Puerto
Rico has descended on at least 3 towns on the west
side of the island this morning: Barrio Rosario in San
German, Barrio Limon in Mayaguez and Trujillo Alto in
Carolina. All of these towns are in the same region
where we are, where Lourdes is from and where her
family still lives, near where Lourdes has her concert
tomorrow. It is a region known for its strong belief
in the independence of Puerto Rico. As you all know,
we also very vocally support the independence of
Puerto Rico.

In Barrio Rosario, they have a neighborhood surrounded
where there is a Head Start program full of children;
the parents are hysterical on the other side,
prohibited from getting to the CHILDREN and the
children are terrified on the inside surrounded by
heavily armed and equipped FBI. This type of behavior
is state-sponsored terror and is COMPLETELY
UNACCEPTABLE. It is being reported that it is a
campaign of political repression against
independentistas (Puerto Ricans who belong to the
independence party or who believe in the independence
of Puerto Rico). At least one arrest has been
reported: William Mueller, a Puerto Rican, ecumenical
and community leader and activist.

On September 25th of last year, the FBI assassinated
Filiberto Ojeda Rios, the elderly leader of the
Macheteros, in his home, along with his dog. It is
being reported that this is a "sweep" of people they
are trying to associate with Ojeda Rios. Puerto
Ricans of every possible ideological stripe were
overwhelmingly outraged over the assassination of
Ojeda Rios, regardless of whether or not they support
the Macheteros, Puerto Rican independence or any
movement at all.

This is yet another flagrant abuse by the FBI and the
U.S. government in Puerto Rico. Under the guise of
"fighting terror" they are terrorizing people and
putting innocent lives in danger.

I will write again as we know more.
Yesterday Nablus and Fallujah, today Mayaquez,
tomorrow?? Call your congressmen and tell them to get
SOME BALLS real quick and do something for a change.
Are the children in the Head Start progam terrorists?
You decide who is the terrorist.

The Freedom Archives
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San Francisco, CA 94110
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