[News] Israeli forces tighten restrictions at checkpoints

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Dec 26 13:38:57 EST 2006

Israeli PM said he would remove some West Bank checkpoints, but 
Palestinians still forced to undress

(Nablus) Palestine News Network
Tuesday, 26 December 2006

The Central Committee of the Popular Struggle Front in Nablus is 
calling for Israeli forces to remove all roadblocks and checkpoints 
within the West Bank. The Front issued its call on Tuesday in 
response to the Israeli Prime Minister making a public declaration 
that he would "remove some barriers" after President Abbas met with 
the Israeli PM.

However, as the Popular Struggle Front has pointed out, since that 
time just days ago Israeli forces have instead tightened restrictions 
at checkpoints. "The occupation alleged relief, but the contrary is 
the actuality with nothing having been done to mitigate these barriers."

Huwara Checkpoint in southern Nablus now has additional gates and 
concrete blocks, as does the Beit Fourik Village checkpoint, with 
identification, political affiliation, and age restrictions 
increasing. "Israeli occupation forces have frequently equivocated on 
the subject of barriers and have tired to distort the facts as to 
what is actually happening on the ground, but any observer who is 
here can see for himself what the reality is."

The Popular Struggle Front also said that no delay in removing the 
checkpoints is acceptable as "they are a source of daily humiliation, 
especially in the winter at Huwara and Beit Fourik checkpoints where 
people are being forced to undress in the cold under the pretext of 
inspection, security concerns, or other justifications of the 
occupation which have no basis in truth. Hundreds of Palestinians are 
detained for hours on end at the entrances to Nablus and the villages 
and towns around the city."

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