[News] PFLP calls for unity to stop the US plan for a "new Middle East"

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Mon Aug 28 17:38:48 EDT 2006


PFLP calls for unity to stop the US plan for a "new Middle East" that 
puts Israel on top

PNN, (Nablus) Amin Abu Wardeh Monday, 28 August 2006

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) is calling 
to set national standards for a balanced mandate in prisoner exchange issue.

An exchange is on the forefront for the Israeli soldier captured 
while he invaded Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip at the end of June 
this year.

The PFLP call issued Monday includes specific points regarding 
priorities. At the top of their list are the political prisoners in 
Israeli jails since before the Oslo Agreement, which called for all 
of them to be released.

Another major issue is the current wave of arrests of elected 
government officials. The PFLP demanded that the international 
community enforce international law and garner the release of all 
leaders, ministers and Parliament members, regardless of the 
circumstances surrounding their arrest or when it occurred.

In honor of the fifth memorial of the assassination of Abu Ali 
Mustafa, the late leader of the PFLP, they also called for 
"steadfastness in the continued resistance." The party said that 
"Lebanon changed the Arab stage." While "the triumph was complex," it 
taught a historical lesson.

"The resistance can play a major strategic threat to Israel's 
occupation of Palestine or war and partial occupation of southern 
Lebanon, and the American and British war and occupation of Iraq. It 
can bring them down to the point where they are unable to achieve 
their objectives."

The PFLP reiterated the importance of organized resistance by saying 
that the people now have an opportunity to overcome their fears and 
see their strength and value in building an Arab world for the people.

Their vision is directly opposed to the "new Middle East" which is 
"the draft of the American-Israeli Middle East that gives 
predominance to Israel while the Arab world is fragmented into small 
and competing sects and ethnicities."

It is also crucial, said the PFLP that the leadership unify in order 
to withstand the historical, current, and coming fight for liberation.

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