[News] Guantanamo inmate released in chains

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Fri Aug 25 16:53:03 EDT 2006


Guantanamo inmate released in chains

Friday 25 August 2006 3:01 PM GMT

A Turkish man with German residency, who was held at Guantanamo Bay 
detention centre for four years, was kept blidfolded and in chains on 
his flight home to Germany.

Bernhard Docke, the released man's lawyer, said: "The Americans are 
incorrigible, they have not learned a thing. He was returned home in 
chains, humiliated and dishonoured to the very end by the Americans,

"It was a giant American transport aircraft and he was alone in it 
with 15 US soldiers. He was chained down, his feet were chained, and 
his eyes covered."

Murat Kurnaz was not able to attend a news conference in his home 
town of Bremem on Friday because he was still suffering from the 
effects of his detention at Gunatanamo on Cuba.

Kurnaz was still living "in a sort of netherworld" after his ordeal. 
"Give him time. Yesterday was an extremely difficult day for him," Docke said.

"He was tortured. We just found out yesterday that for nine months he 
was kept permanently under a bright light round the clock. This light 
was never switched off," he said at a news conference broadcast live 
on national television.

Kurnaz said he suffered abuse at Guantanamo, and interrogation 
techniques including sexual humiliation, water torture and 
desecration of Islam.

Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the German foreign minister, said that an 
agreement on the release of Kurnaz had come after  long negotiations 
between the US and German governments.

The US has been criticised by human rights groups and some of its 
allies for holding about 450 foreign terrorist suspects at the naval 
base in Cuba, many for four years or more and without charge.


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