[News] Hezbollah warns of Tel Aviv strike

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Aug 3 18:34:54 EDT 2006

Hezbollah warns of Tel Aviv strike

Thursday 03 August 2006 3:13 PM GMT

The leader of Hezbollah has warned that the group will launch rockets 
at Tel Aviv if Israel attacks central Beirut.

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah made the remarks in a televised statement on 
Thursday released hours after Hezbollah launched over 100 rockets at 
northern Israel, killing seven people.

Nasrallah said: "If you strike Beirut, the Islamic resistance will 
strike Tel Aviv and it is able to do so."

A senior Israeli defence source said Israel would respond by 
attacking Lebanon's infrastructure if a strike on Tel Aviv took place.

Nasrallah also said that Hezbollah would end its rocket attacks 
against northern Israel if it stopped attacking civilian areas of Lebanon.

However Naim Kassem, Hezbollah's deputy leader, told Aljazeera that 
the group would not accept a ceasefire that did not include the 
withdrawal of all Israeli troops from Lebanese soil.

"An end of [Israeli] aggression means three things: firstly a 
ceasefire, secondly the return of those evicted, and third of all the 
departure of Israel from any land it might have occupied."

Israeli warning

An Israeli warplane dropped leaflets on Beirut's Hezbollah-dominated 
southern suburb on Thursday, urging residents to leave the area 
because Israel planned to widen its offensive in Beirut.

"To the residents of Haret Hreik, Beer al-Abed, Hay Madi and Rweis, 
for your own safety you must flee those suburbs immediately," said 
the Arabic leaflets, signed "The State of Israel".

The Israeli army has also received new orders from Amir Peretz, the 
Israeli defence minister, to take control of southern Lebanon from 
the border to the Litani river.

An Israeli push to the river would leave its forces in control of 
Lebanese territory about 30km wide and 30km deep.

About 10,000 Israeli troops have pushed into southern Lebanon in the 
ground offensive against Hezbollah.

Israel also continued its airstrikes, bombing the capital Beirut and 
killing at least four people in the south.

Rocket attacks

At least seven people were killed and many injured during a series of 
rocket attacks on northern Israel by Hezbollah fighters.

Over 100 rockets landed inside northern Israel within the space of 
one hour on Thursday afternoon, Israeli officials said.

In Maalot, three Israeli Arabs were killed when a rocket landed near 
their car. Three people were also killed during rocket attacks on the 
town of Acre. It was not clear where the seventh person died.

Three Israeli soldiers also died on Thursday during clashes with 
Hezbollah inside southern Lebanon.


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