[News] CHICAGO: Denunciation of assassination of Filiberto Ojeda Rios

Anti-Imperialist News News at freedomarchives.org
Mon Sep 26 14:16:38 EDT 2005

Coordinating Committee
National Boricua Human Rights Network


Declaration of the National Boricua Human Rights Network with regards to 
the assassination of patriot
Filiberto Ojeda Ríos

The National Boricua Human Rights Network unites with the indignation, ire 
and pain of all of our
people because of the assassination of our patriot Filiberto Ojeda Ríos. We 
unequivocally denounce his
assassins, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

On Friday, September 23, as our people celebrated another anniversary of El 
Grito de Lares, the historic
gesture that proclaimed the existence of the Puerto Rican nation to the 
world in 1868, a heavily armed
group of FBI agents assassinated Filiberto Ojeda Ríos in his home in 
Hormigüeros, Puerto Rico.
It is clear that these assassins arrived with the mission to execute Ojeda 
Ríos; we reject the justification
that their intention was to arrest him.

We condemn in the most energetic manner this affront to our people. This 
aggressive act of imperialism
is an example of the violence we Boricuas suffer every day at the hands of 
racist policeman in our
communities in New York, Philadelphia, Hartford, Boston, Orlando, Chicago, 
Cleveland, and wherever
our people reside.

We reaffirm our commitment to continue to struggle every day and with all 
of our might to ensure the
democratic rights of all Puerto Ricans. We will not allow these terrorist 
tactics to interfere with the
inalienable right of all Puerto Ricans – whether they reside on the island 
or the Diaspora — to self-determination.
We support the declaration of Anibal Acevedo Vila, Governor of Puerto Rico, 
who expressed in a press
conference that “there must be a profound and complete investigation into 
the actions of the FBI.” In
addition, the National Boricua Human Rights Network demands that those 
responsible for this vile
assassination be brought to justice.

Many Puerto Rican public officials have condemned this act, including the 
Governor of Puerto Rico,
legislators and leaders from of Puerto Rico’s political parties such as the 
Resident Commissioner, Luis
Fortuno (PNP), the general secretary of the PNP, Thomas Rivera Schatz, 
Senate Leader Kenneth
McClintock, and the President of the Puerto Rican Independence Party, Ruben 
Berrios, along with the
Puerto Rican Bar Association.

Chicago-José E. López, Marisol Morales, 773-332-9627
Philadelfia/Bethlehem-Luis Sanabria, 856-366-5143
Boston-Giovanna Negretti, 617-312-9553

The Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 863-9977
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