[News] Filiberto Ojeda R?os killed by FBI in Puerto Rico

Anti-Imperialist News News at freedomarchives.org
Sat Sep 24 13:31:16 EDT 2005

>From a friend.

Eventhough we haven't seen any pictures of his body....

It is with a heavy heart that I have just heard
that the FBI chose today El Grito de Lares, the
137th anniversary of the Puerto Rican declaration
of independence and a day that Puerto Ricans
still commemorate by calling for independence.
Filiberto Ojeda Ríos, leader of a
pro-independence group (Ejercito Popular Boricua, Macheteros) who has 
spent the last 15
years in hiding in Puerto Rico, was today
surrounded by 5-7 federal sharpshooters and
murdered in a rural mountain area of Puerto Rico.
Apparently FBI supported by Puerto Rican police
had been shooting up the entire area for most of
the day, and various other people have also been
wounded, including Filiberto's wife. I received a
message that hundreds of Puerto Ricans are
outside in the San Juan night, crying and
expressing their outrage.

In Puerto Rico, US colonialism is 
alive and bloody as ever --- but, la lucha continúa!!

Claude Marks
Freedom Archives
522 Valencia St
San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 863-9977

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