[News] Haiti Call to Action: September 30th

Anti-Imperialist News News at freedomarchives.org
Wed Sep 21 14:40:24 EDT 2005

Call to Action – Friday, September 30th

International Day in Solidarity with Haiti

San Francisco Federal Building

450 Golden Gate Ave (betw Larkin & Polk)

8AM Rally & Picket

This is a critical moment for Haiti. Popular resistance to the coup regime 
remains strong, but repression is intensifying. Backed by the United 
States, the United Nations, France and Canada, the coup regime continues 
its assault on the poor majority, targeting especially leaders and 
supporters of the Lavalas grassroots democracy movement.

September 30th is the anniversary of the US-orchestrated coup that 
overthrew President Aristide in 1991.  Haiti’s grassroots popular movement 
will mobilize in Port-au-Prince and other areas, demanding the return of 
their elected government and President Aristide, an end to U.S. and 
UN-supported massacres, and the release of over a thousand political 
prisoners. They will be denouncing the sham election—held under military 
occupation -- now being planned by the coup leaders to legitimize their rule.

This year, they will not be alone. In cities all over the world, from 
Santiago, Chile and Montreal, Canada to Dublin, Ireland and the Bay Area, 
people are standing up against the trampling of Haiti’s sovereignty. Our 
solidarity can play an important role in this struggle of Haiti’s poor 
majority. Now is the time to take a stand. We demand:

·         Stop the Massacres of the Poor by UN troops, Haitian National 
Police and paramilitary mercenaries under police control.

·         Restore the Democratically Elected Government of President Aristide

·         Free Fr. Jean-Juste, So’ Anne, Prime Minister Neptune – and ALL 
the Political Prisoners

·         End the Brutal US/UN Occupation – Restore Haiti’s Sovereignty

·         No coerced sham elections.

For more information: Haiti Action Committee (510) 483-7481

The Freedom Archives
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San Francisco, CA 94110
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