[News] Invisible Punishment - Photovoice exhibit opening 11/17

Anti-Imperialist News News at freedomarchives.org
Fri Oct 28 18:07:26 EDT 2005

Come join the Family Advocacy Network of  Legal Services for Prisoners with 
Children at an opening reception for

INVISIBLE PUNISHMENT: A Photovoice Exhibit on Prisons and Our Communities

Thursday, November 17th @ 6pm
Asian Resource Gallery
310 Eight Street at Harrison
Oakland Chinatown

Great Food! Music! Poetry!
Special Performance by ISE LYFE


(photo by Nancy Johnson)

This project is a culmination of a year's worth of work in which community 
photographers from three different groups document the impact of prisons on 
the everyday life of their families, their neighborhoods and 
themselves.  Invisible Punishment is an intergenerational project, bringing 
together formerly incarcerated women in recovery, high school students, and 
family members of prisoners to create a snapshot of the many invisible 
consequences that mass incarceration has on the community. It challenges 
the failed "tough on crime" attitudes and "war on drugs" policies that have 
led to the highest per-capita incarceration rate in the world, and sheds 
light on the connections between prisons and cycles of abuse, addiction, 
poverty and homelessness.

The exhibit also includes posters from a design competition launched by 
Architects/Designers/Planners for Social Responsibility (ADPSR) Prison 
Design Boycott campaign, which promotes the idea of collective resistance 
to expanding the prison system. Over 400 architects and design 
professionals have signed ADPSR's pledge not to work on prisons or jails.

Join us at the reception for this remarkable exhibit, and hear participants 
from all three projects talk about their photographs.  There will be great 
food, music and poetry.

For more information, contact Greg at 510-532-9692 or Maisha at 
415-255-7036, ext.306

Sponsored by A New Way of Life,  Architects/Designers/Planners for Social 
Responsibility East Bay Asian Local Development Corp., Legal Services for 
Prisoners with Children, Family Advocacy Network and OASES High School

The Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 863-9977
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