[News] 40,000 Residents Arrested during Al Aqsa Intifada

Anti-Imperialist News News at freedomarchives.org
Wed Oct 26 11:38:56 EDT 2005

25 Octobre 2005  Palestine International Press Center (IPC) (official 
Palestinian National authority news source – Agence officielle
de l’Autorité Nationale palestinienne)

40,000 Residents Arrested during Al Aqsa Intifada Mostly were from W. Bank


GAZA, Palestine,October 25, 2005, (IPC) --- The statistics issued by the
Ministry of Detainees and Ex-Prisoner Affairs affirmed that the number
of the detainees reached to 40,000 during Al Aqsa Intifada.

The Ministry reported that the number of the detainees was in Gaza Strip
compared with (4997) detainees in the WB during the 1st year of the
Intifada, the number also increased, in the 2nd year, to (357) in Gaza
while (9663) in the WB. in the 3rd year, the number of the detainees in
the west bank amounted (9530) but it was relatively smaller in Gaza
Strip (266).

During the 4th year of the Intifada, the number increased to (268) in
Gaza Strip compared to (3841) detainees in the WB, meanwhile, the 5th
year of the Intifada witnessed a decrease in the number of the detainees
in Gaza Strip (173) while in the West Bank increased to (3950).

The report explained that the percentage of the arrest raid were 4.2% in
the Strip compared with 95.8% in the W.B; pointing out that the
statistical figures excluded thousands of the citizens who were held or
arrested for a relatively short hours or days.

The report added that the arrest's campaigns included children, youths,
women, old men, and overall families, in which the Israeli occupation
troops all forms and techniques such as the attack against cities,
villages and camps, and house-house search backed by military tanks,
vehicles and air covering.

The ministry of Detainees and Ex-Prisoners mentioned that the IOF used
undercover units and commandos forces for kidnapping the residents and
changed the military checkpoints and the crossings to ambushes.

The arrest's campaigns targeted many political leaders and members of
the Palestinian Legislative Council like Marawan Al Barghothy, Husam
Khader, Hassen Yousif and Tayseer Khaled; using innocent citizens as
human shield, as well as, they turned the institutions and schools into

The manager of the statistic department Mr. Abed Al Nasser Firwana
reported that the IOF continue to arrest Palestinians in spite of the
cease-fire agreement which has been announced in February 2005.

He also added that the IOF have arrested more than 2,000 residents after
releasing (898) prisoners since Sharm El Sheikh Understanding in
February 2005. Moreover the IOF demeaned the prisoners cruelly as four
prisoners have been died inside the Israeli jails since t Sharm El
Sheikh Understandings, identified as Abed Al Fattah Radad, Ali Abu Rob,
Bashar Bin Oda and Jawed Abu Mghesib.

Mr. Firwana said that the Israeli procedures threaten the state of calm
between the Palestinians and the Israelis; urging the international
community to interfere to protect the prisoner's life and to keep peace
process and stability in the area.

He urged the Palestinian people, national and Islamic factions and all

the entire law and human organizations to protest and to support the
prisoners' cause as well as to participate in the international campaign
for defending prisoners' rights which was announced by the Ministry of
Prisoner Affairs last September.

Mike Odetalla..."A seed in the eternal fruit of Palestine"

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