[News] Election-by-selection in Haiti

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Mon Oct 24 08:56:14 EDT 2005

President Aristide's message to Fanmi Lavalas
October 20, 2005

News HaitiAction.net

President Aristide's
message to Fanmi Lavalas

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Dr. Maryse Narcisse

President Jean-Bertrand Aristide's spokesperson

October 20, 2005

Dr. Maryse Narcisse just came back from a trip to South Africa where she 
consulted with President Jean-Bertrand Aristide on the future of the 
political organization Fanmi Lavalas, and current events in Haiti. The 
President's spokesperson is pleased to transmit President Aristide's 
message to the people of Haiti and particularly to members and supporters 
of the political organization Fanmi Lavalas.

His Excellency Jean-Bertrand Aristide, President of the Republic of Haiti 
and National Representative of the Political Organization Fanmi Lavalas is 
sending his well wishes and a special salute to the people of Haiti who are 
going through some very difficult time. To the members and supporters of 
Fanmi Lavalas a fraternal embrace.

Dr Narcisse is pleased to inform the public that President Aristide and his 
family are doing well. The People and the Government of South Africa 
consider them Africa's son and daughters. But the President's spirit has 
not forgotten his home. President Aristide and his wife are teaching and 
conducting research studies on African Renaissance at the University of 
South Africa (UNISA).

Dr Narcisse takes this opportunity to denounce the attempt by some 
politicians to mislead the Haitian people by lying and spreading false 
rumors on President Aristide's position regarding the elections. Dr 
Narcisse also states that any claim that President Aristide sent letters, 
audio messages or met with representatives of any candidate looking for 
support in the elections-by-selection that the unconstitutional government 
is trying to organize is false.

The spokesperson wants to reiterate that President Aristide's statements in 
regard to elections have been clear and consistent. Quoting from his messages:

" In 1994, who could have expected free, fair and democratic elections in 
South Africa with Nelson Mandela, Govan Mbeki, Oliver Tambo and other 
leaders and members of the African National Congress in jail, exile or in 

Today in 2005, who could have expected free, fair and democratic elections 
in Haiti with thousands of Lavalas members and supporters in jail, exile 
and hiding?

In Haiti, in order to have elections and not a "selection", the following 
steps must be taken:

1. The thousands of Lavalas who are in jail and in exile must be free to 
return home.

2. The repression that has already killed over 10,000 people must end 

3. Then, there must be national dialogue.

Dialogue leading to peace through the restoration of constitutional order - 
this is the will of the Haitian people. After 200 years of independence it 
is clear that from this dialogue will emerge a new Haiti. "

President Aristide asks every member of Fanmi Lavalas to ponder over the 
following statement found on the first page of the Organization's Chart and 

" A Lavalas is a patriot,

A good Lavalas is a good patriot

Unity is strength, this is Lavalas".

See also

Haiti's leading political party condemns "sham" elections, proposes censure 
of former Lavalas representatives Aug 14

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