[News] Palestinian Prisoners and Resisting Israeli Apartheid- Tomorrow (Thurs)

Anti-Imperialist News News at freedomarchives.org
Wed Oct 19 18:39:39 EDT 2005

Join award-winning journalist Adam Hanieh

  for a screening of the documentary Stolen Youth and a discussion on

Palestinian prisoners and the North American Palestine solidarity movement.

Thursday, October 20


The Women’s Building

3543 18th St., San Francisco

$5-15, no one turned away for lack of funds

Adam Hanieh is co-author of Stolen Youth: The Politics of Israel's 
Detention of Palestinian Children and will be in the Bay Area to receive a 
Project Censored award 
(<http://www.projectcensored.org>www.projectcensored.org ) for his Left 
Turn article, “Control & Resistance: Palestinian Child Prisoners.” He is 
active with Al Awda (Toronto) (<http://www.al-awda.ca>www.al-awda.ca ) and 
Sumoud Political Prisoner Solidarity Group in Toronto 
(<http://sumoud.tao.ca/>http://sumoud.tao.ca/ ) and recently returned from 
working in Palestine.

The short documentary Stolen Youth sheds further light on the experiences 
of Palestinian child prisoners. It includes interviews with ex-child 
detainees, their families and their lawyer as well as exclusive footage 
from the inside an Israeli military court.

Discussion about strategies for strengthening the North American Palestine 
solidarity movement will follow the presentation and film screening.

Co-sponsored by Left Turn Magazine 
(<http://www.leftturn.org>www.leftturn.org ), SUSTAIN 
(<http://www.sustaincampaign.org>www.sustaincampaign.org ) and the American 
Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee – San Francisco 
(<http://www.adcsf.org>www.adcsf.org ).

The Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 863-9977
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