[News] Palestinian Political Prisoners Protest With Hunger Strike

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Tue May 31 11:16:51 EDT 2005

Palestinian political prisoners protest with hunger strike

Palestine News Network, 2:00 pm 29.05.05

As the Israelis make their public statements for a prisoner release viewed 
as "meaningless," 45 Palestinian political prisoners began a hunger strike 
in Israeli Atzion Prison in nonviolent protest of prison conditions.

As per Sharm Al Sheikh agreements, the Israeli government will release 400 
Palestinian prisoners. Officially announced today, the Israelis continue 
refusing to allow the Palestinian Authority to choose who will be released, 
so it is viewed as another empty gesture.

As has been the case in earlier 'releases,' the Israelis chose Palestinians 
who are about to finish Administrative Detention sentences, which means 
being held 6-months at a time without charge or trial. The political 
prisoners who have been held since before Oslo were slated to be released 
in 1993, but they are still being held, and the Israelis still refuse to 
release them.

Instead, the Israelis will release 400 short-term prisoners, in addition to 
the 500 released since agreeing to do so at Sharm Al Sheikh. Since that 
meeting on 8 February, Israeli occupation forces have arrested 754 more 
Palestinians to add to the 8,000-strong political prisoner population.

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