[News] Yemeni Political Prisoner Petition - US Prosecution

News at freedomarchives.org News at freedomarchives.org
Thu May 26 11:44:44 EDT 2005

Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2005
Subject: Poltical Prisoner Petition-Circulate Widely

To skip & sign go to:

ALSO NOTE: Friday JUNE 17th-Rally To Free Political Prisoners, Moayad &
Zayed, 9 am-1 pm, 25 Cadman Plaza, Court of the Eastern District of NY.

Salaam Friends:

As many of you know, the judgment and committal (sentencing) of Sheikh
Moayad & Mohamad Zayed is two weeks away.  We would like to have the
letters & petitions mailed out within the next week and a half.

Some of you have committed to signing and collecting signatures from your
academic institution & organizations, please take the time to submit those
signatures as we are cutting it close.

For those who are unfamiliar with the case, I have pasted a portion of the
case background which can also be found on our website (link is below.

In Either case, i urge u all to individually and organizationally sign the
letters & petition and circulate it as widely as possible.

thanks & salaam in struggle,

PS: if you have any further questions about the case, please feel free to
contact me at this address <lamisjd at riseup.net>

Background on the case of Sheikh Mohamad Al-Moayad and Mohamad Zayad

On March 10, 2005, Sheikh Mohamad Al-Moayad and Mohamad Zayad were convicted
on charges of providing "material support" to Hamas, in one of the more
egregious frame-up cases of the U.S. government's so-called "war on
terror." Far from being a prosecution aimed at safeguarding the United
States, the government sought out two Yemeni citizens, well-known for their
numerous charitable endeavors, and brought them to the U.S. for the sole
purpose of prosecuting them for their entirely legal activities in Yemen,
at the sole instigation of a notoriously unreliable informant who has
repeatedly pressured the FBI itself for more money for his services. During
the trial of these men, the government attempted to block the entry of a
Palestinian-born defense attorney into the case, alleging that her
"foreign-born" status posed an "increased risk." The prejudice and racism
of the prosecution was revealed on numerous occasions, including one
prosecutor's reference to a Qu'ranic verse as the "terrorist verse." This
case is a microcosm of the reality of the "war on terror" inside the U.S.,
what has proven to be a "war of terror" against Arabs and Muslims.

Please read the summary of the case at:

Please sign the online Petitions & Letters addressed to the Judge, Bureau of
Prisons and Yemeni President at:

The Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 863-9977
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