[News] Posada Carriles Arrested in Miami

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Tue May 17 19:40:52 EDT 2005

Posada Carriles Arrested in Miami
Washington, May 17 (Prensa Latina) Notorious terrorist of Cuban origin Luis 
Posada Carriles was arrested Tuesday in Miami after making a public 
appearance at a press conference the day 1.2 million Cubans marched in 
Havana to demand justice and an end to terrorism.

CIA and FBI files prove Posada Carriles was the mastermind together with 
Orlando Bosch, another Cuban born terrorist known as Doctor Death, of many 
terror attacks, including the mid-air bombing of Cubana Flight 455 that 
killed all 73 people on board.

According to CNN reports, agents from the Department of Homeland Security 
detained Posada Carriles and took him first to Krome detention center in 
Miami, from where he was flown in a DHS helicopter to Homestead Air Force 
in South Florida.

A brief DHS statement indicated that Posada Carriles was brought into 
custody to have his immigration status checked over the next 48 hours, but 
it gave no further detail.

About two hours after the news conference in which he reiterated his 
request for political asylum, his lawyer Eduardo Soto said Posada Carriles 
was withdrawing his petition and that he was leaving the country.

President Fidel Castro has accused the Bush administration of double 
standards on his much publicized war on terrorism by allowing a proved 
terrorist in the US and has demanded his arrest.

Posada Carriles is wanted in Cuba also for plotting to assassinate 
President Fidel Castro in November 2000, when the Cuban statesman was 
attending that year´s Iberian-Latin American Summit.

He was then arrested, tried and got a minor sentence but was released by 
then President Mireya Moscoso last August. The CIA-trained terrorist is 
also accused of masterminding a series of bombings in Havana hotels in 
which an Italian business man was killed.

Venezuela has applied to the US for Posada Carriles to be deported to stand 
trial for the airliner attack.

Also on Tuesday, the Miami Herald published an exclusive interview with 
Posada Carriles, in which the daily corroborated and provided evidence for 
all of Cuban President Fidel Catro´s charges on how and when the notorious 
mass killer sneaked into South Florida. Posada Carriles told it himself in 
an interview to the paper.

"Luis Posada Carriles may be the most wanted man in Cuba and Venezuela, but 
on this recent afternoon, the man accused of deadly terrorism peacefully 
sips a peach drink, reads about Confucius and marvels at the Miami skyline 
from the balcony of a Brickell Key high-rise," the Miami Herald wrote.

The terrorist, 77, admitted to making a lot of mistakes throughout his 
life, but said he has no regret for what he has done.

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