[News] More on CACI

News at freedomarchives.org News at freedomarchives.org
Fri May 13 12:17:33 EDT 2005

The original name of the company was California Analysis Center, Inc. In 
1967 the company was renamed Consolidated Analysis Centers, Inc. The 
company name was officially changed to CACI, Inc. in 1973. In recognition 
of our growing International business we became CACI International Inc in 

Headquarters in Arlington, VA (near the Pentagon and CIA)

We deliver in-demand products and services ­ providing innovative solutions 
    * Homeland Security


CACI International Inc provides the IT and network solutions needed to 
prevail in today's new era of defense, intelligence and e-government. From 
systems integration and managed network solutions to knowledge management, 
engineering, simulation and information assurance, we deliver the IT 
applications and infrastructures our federal customers use to improve 
communications and collaboration, secure the integrity of information 
systems and networks, enhance data collection and analysis and increase 
efficiency and mission effectiveness. Our solutions lead the transformation 
of defense and intelligence, assure homeland security, enhance 
decision-making and help government to work smarter, faster and more 

The Freedom Archives
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San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 863-9977
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