[News] I was attacked Jack O'Connell's Body Guard!

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Tue Mar 8 08:35:09 EST 2005

Press Advisory
March 7, 2005  2:45 p.m.

Local Educator Tackled After Asking Jack O'Connell to
Visit Oakland

Two of the Recently-Arrested "Oakland Six" Visited SF
Press Conference to Issue Request to Schools Chief

SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF.  At 9:45 A.M. today at a press
conference celebrating a $14 million grant to a San
Francisco charter school, Oakland educator Michael
Siegel was tackled by the personal security guard of
State Superintendent Jack O'Connell when he persisted
in asking the state education leader to schedule an
immediate meeting with Oakland community members.  "I
was blind-sided," Siegel explained.  "I did not
anticipate experiencing physical violence in response
to a simple question."

The press conference at City Arts & Tech (CAT) charter
high school was organized by Superintendent O'Connell
to announce that $14 million dollars in facility funds
will be given to CAT High, which currently serves 110
students.  After speeches by school officials,
students, school board members, and Superintendent
O'Connell, Siegel rose for his comment: "Mr.
O'Connell, thank you for your support of these
students and this school.  I am from Oakland, where
you are currently in control of our entire district of
over 40,000 students.  When will you come to meet with
us to learn how we feel about our schools?"

As Siegel was talking, he was grabbed from behind by
the personal security guard of Jack O'Connell and
wrestled from the room.  The officer (who identified
himself as "Officer Pritchard" stated that by removing
Siegel he was ensuring that no person attempted to
harm -- or disrupted the business of -- the State
Superintendent of Public Instruction.

Siegel, an Oakland-based educator and activist against
the state takeover of the Oakland schools, has not
decided whether to pursue legal action against the
State Superintendent.  He read about the press
conference on O'Connell's website and attended the
event with Pamela Drake, an adult education teacher
and candidate for Oakland City Council.  Both Drake
and Siegel were arrested at the Oakland school
district headquarters on March 1st for refusing to
leave until a meeting with O'Connell was scheduled.

"I believe it is critical that the Oakland community
continue to demand a meeting with the man who
currently controls the educational services provided
to 40,000 of our children and youth and thousands more
of our adults," says Siegel.  "I also believe that the
state should not resort to violence when we make these
statements, but should instead respect our concerns
and do their best to serve the Oakland community."

Michael Siegel can be reached at (510) 289-3318 or via
email at michaeljwsiegel at aol.com.  See the attached
letter for more information on the Oakland
coalition's demands for Superintendent O'Connell.

Text from letter presented to Jack O'Connell on March
7, 2005

March 7, 2005

Jack O'Connell
Superintendent of Public Instruction
California Department of Education
1430 N Street
Sacramento, California 95814

Dear Superintendent O'Connell,

On behalf of students, parents, educators, school
staff, concerned community members, and thousands of
Oakland voters, we hereby request that during the
month of March you meet with a diverse group of
Oakland residents to discuss the current state of the
Oakland public schools.

We feel that your appointee, Dr. Randolph Ward, has
made decisions that jeopardize the academic success of
our student population as well as the long-term
financial health of our district.  We are very
concerned that, nearly eighteen months after Dr. Ward
took control of the Oakland Unified School District,
he has still not produced a fiscal recovery plan.
Without such a plan in place, we demand that you
immediately cease to close schools, convert existing
sites to charter schools, or lay-off any additional

As our elected representative, we believe that it is
your duty to meet with your constituents, especially
when the education of nearly 40,000 children and
youth, as well as thousands of adult students, is at

Please announce as soon as possible your intentions on
this issue.  We will gather signatures on this letter
until we hear your position.


(Signed by Kali Akuno, Michael Siegel and Pamela

The Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 863-9977
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