[News] Barbara Lee Calls for Truth and Action for Haiti

News at freedomarchives.org News at freedomarchives.org
Wed Mar 2 12:35:26 EST 2005

For Immediate Release
Contact:  Nathan Britton
(202) 225-2661

Rep. Barbara Lee Calls for Truth and Action for Haiti
On Anniversary of Ouster of Aristide

(Washington, DC) -  Representative Barbara Lee issued the following 
statement on the anniversary of the violent ouster of Haiti's 
democratically elected President, Jean Bertrand Aristide:

"Today marks the one-year anniversary of Haiti's 33rd coup d'etat.  The 
internationally orchestrated ouster of President Jean Bertrand Aristide 
last year sent Haiti into a political, social and economic downward spiral 
and cast a dark shadow of doubt on our nation's commitment to the principle 
of democracy.

"As we reflect on this tragic anniversary, it is high time that we remove 
all doubt as to our commitment to democracy and demonstrate our commitment 
to a healthy, democratic Haiti.

"We would oppose the overthrow of our own government, and there must be no 
doubt that we would oppose the overthrow of other democratically elected 
governments.  Yet today, grave doubts remain about the role the Bush 
administration played in the removal of President Aristide.  This is a 
fundamental issue of democracy, and the American people deserve to know the 
TRUTH about just what happened.

"That is why I have reintroduced the The Responsibility To Uncover The 
Truth about Haiti (TRUTH) Act.  The Truth Act will create an independent, 
bipartisan commission to investigate the unanswered questions about the 
Bush administration's role in this violation of democracy.

"Our nation has a responsibility not only to help restore democracy, but to 
help Haiti to rebuild, starting with the basic building blocks of public 

"Today in Haiti less than 45 percent of Haitians have access to safe water 
and access to sanitation.  Haiti accounts for 90 percent of AIDS cases in 
the Caribbean.  A healthy nation cannot grow under such conditions, and 
that is why I have reintroduced the New Partnership for Haiti Act of 2005, 
a comprehensive plan where Haitians and Americans work together to address 
these issues and rebuild the nation's health infrastructure.

"A year after this crime against democracy, the situation in Haiti is 
deplorable.  The unconstitutional government has allowed the political 
violence of armed gangs and thugs to grow, while schools and hospitals 
close.  We have a responsibility to ensure that Haiti disarms these thugs 
and stops the political violence, that political prisoners are freed, and 
that truly democratic elections set Haiti back on the course to 
democracy.  We must know the TRUTH about the full degree our nation's 
involvement in creating this situation, and we must set about making it right."

#  #  #

Nathan Britton

Communications Director
Office of Congresswoman Barbara Lee
1724 Longworth House Office Bldg.
ph 202 225-2661
fax 202 225-9817

The Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 863-9977
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