[News] Haiti: Fanmi Lavalas - it never gave mandate to negotiate

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Thu Jun 23 11:20:12 EDT 2005

AHP News June 22, 2005

English translation (Unofficial)

3 new ministers and a secretary of State join the interim regime: Fanmi 
Lavalas declares that it never gave anyone the mandate to negotiate 
anything in its name

Port-au-Prince, June 22, 2005 (AHP)- Interim authorities named this 
Wednesday 3 new ministers and a secretary of State while heavy gunfire was 
heard nearby in the area of  Champ-de-Mars near the presidential palace 
where the ceremony was taking place.

Henri Dorléans, who was a member of the provisional president’s private 
cabinet, is the new Minister of Justice. He replaces Bernard Gousse who was 
forced to resign for hindrance to justice, according to sources close to 
the government.

Paul Magloire, a former member of the interim prime minister’s private 
cabinet, is named Minister of Interior and Territorial Authorities.

Franck Charles, who would be, according to pro-governmental sources, close 
to a former Lavalas parliamentarian, is named at the Social Affairs.

Cécile Laura Coulanges Banatte, former departmental delegate of the South, 
is named Secretary of State for Social Affairs.

About the nomination of Mr. Franck Charles, the political organization 
Fanmi lavalas declared in a press note dates of June 21st, that it didn’t 
give the mandate to anyone to begin political negotiations in its name. The 
party says it is surprised to hear on the radio that ministerial job was 
given to it by the de facto government. Such rumors are aiming to stop the 
peaceful mobilization started by populist masses after the February 29, 
2004 kidnapping, for the respect of the presidential mandate, in accordance 
with articles 134.1 and 41 of the constitution.

Fanmi Lavalas considers it is "inconceivable to become an accomplice of de 
facto authorities by accepting to join an anti-constitutional government 
who increases daily the number of summary executions, crimes and arbitrary 
arrests in populist districts", they wrote, calling to "the end of 
repression, the release of all political prisoners and the return to 
constitutional order with President Aristide’s return".

During the nomination ceremony, provisional President Boniface Alexandre 
called the new Minister of Justice to quickly get to work to put an end to 
impunity which characterizes the judicial system, he said. He will have to 
work together with the Secretary of State for Public Security to supervise 
the National Police in order to make its work more efficient, Mr. Alexandre 

The provisional president asked the new minister of justice to make great 
efforts so that within the time limit given to him, important changes are 
made in the functioning of the judicial apparatus. "I invite him to attack 
the problems of extensive custodies by setting up measures to study the 
cases that are waiting", Boniface Alexandre added.

AHP June 22, 2005 4:50 PM

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