[News] Bullets Can't Stop Us: a Bay Area report back from the Philippines

News at freedomarchives.org News at freedomarchives.org
Wed Jun 8 16:59:17 EDT 2005

The Committee for Human Rights in the Philippines invites you to...

Bullets Can't Stop Us II:
A Report Back from the Philippines

Saturday, June 11th at 7pm
@ EastSide Arts Alliance
2587 International Blvd. (between 25th & 26th Ave.)

Featuring a slide show and clips from the just-released video "Stop the 
Killings," Doug Wordell and Alex Magasano will report back from their 
recent human rights exposure trip to the Philippines. The report back will 
include an overview on the recent wave of state-sponsored killings of 
activists in the Philippines, which is one tactic the Bush-Arroyo regime is 
using to silence opposition to the so-called war on terror. Doug & Alex 
will also talk about their visits with union leaders, human rights workers, 
indigenous peoples, political prisoners and other leaders from the national 
democratic movement in the Philippines fighting for justice and peace.

Also discussed will be the upcoming International Solidarity Mission (ISM) 
coming this August, which seeks to build international pressure against the 
Pres. Macapagal Arroyo regime and to build solidarity with the People of 
the Philippines in this desperate time.

If you're going to the Philippines this summer or are interested in going 
in the future and want to find out more about the current situation, this 
event is for you!

Please come with questions.
They will also be selling crafts by political prisoners to raise money for 
Committee for Human Rights in the Philippines.

For more info, e-mail Rhonda at <mailto:rramiro at gmail.com.>rramiro at gmail.com.

The Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 863-9977
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