[News] US court sends Hamas supporter to jail

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Fri Jul 29 11:42:49 EDT 2005

US court sends Hamas supporter to jail

Friday 29 July 2005 11:25 AM GMT

The son of a Yemeni shaikh has condemned a US court decision to jail his 
father for 75 years for conspiring to support and fund al-Qaida and Hamas.

A federal court in New York sentenced on Thursday Shaikh Muhammad Ali Hasan 
al-Muayad, arrested after an FBI operation in 2003. It also fined him $1.25 

"We were shocked by this ruling. This ruling is null and void," Zakaria 
al-Muayad said.

"If providing support for the Palestinian people is a crime in the United 
States, it is not a crime in Yemen. And if we accept this ruling, then we 
must jail millions of Yemenis who donate food, clothes and medicines to the 

In March, a federal jury found al-Muayad and his aide, Muhammad Muhsin 
Yahya Zayid, guilty of conspiring to provide material support and resources 
to al-Qaida between October 1999 and January 2003, and to the Palestinian 
resistance group Hamas between October 1997 and January 2003.

US prosecutors said al-Muayad had ties to al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden, 
and had bragged about having "taught him about Islamic law". In sentencing, 
al-Muayad insisted he had "not done anything against the American people".


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