[News] Haiti - Prime Minister Yvon Neptune

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Fri Jul 1 08:36:07 EDT 2005

The Kreyol original of this letter from PM Yvon Neptune was translated into 
English by the Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network (See HLLN note below)


Updated report from family and friends who have visited former Prime 
Minister Yvon Neptune in the so-called Villa Annex of the National Penitentiary

It will soon be 2 months since former Prime Minister Yvon Neptune again 
took up a hunger strike to urge the defacto government to relinquish its 
stranglehold on his life and his freedom, and also to urge the United 
Nations forces in the country to guarantee his safety.

The Haitian people and the whole world will remember that the United 
Nations forces with the authorization of the defacto government had decided 
to transport former Prime Minister Yvon Neptune out of the country because 
his hunger strike where he stopped taking food or water had threatened to 
stop the functioning of his kidneys which would have caused his death. 
Former Prime Minister Yvon Neptune was well aware of this but at the same 
time he understood clearly that this was a ploy to exile him. This is why 
he turned down this seemingly humanitarian gesture until the defacto power 
would agree to grant him his freedom and the UN forces would protect his 
life and adequately provide for his safety.

The Haitian people and the whole world know how much satisfaction former 
Prime Minister Yvon Neptune's death would bring to certain sectors of the 
so-called civil society and some of the politicians. We all remember the 
rumors they spread and the scandal they made around his hunger strike and 
the danger to his life.

At the same time he refused this humanitarian exile trap is when he agreed 
to begin drinking water and taking medication on the recommendation of a 
host of doctors including the head doctor of the country's prison system 
who visited him at the Villa Annex of the National Penitentiary where he 
has been sleeping on the floor.

Since then, as he presses ahead with the hunger strike, former Prime 
Minister Yvon Neptune's physical condition continues to deteriorate. Some 
days are very bad while other days are not so bad. Throughout this ordeal 
his mental capacity has remained strong and clear.

Many representatives of foreign countries and the international community 
have visited former Prime Minister Yvon Neptune in the prison cell where 
the defacto power has had him locked up without cause for close to a year 
now. Among these visitors have been representatives of the American 
Government, the Canadian Government, the Organization of American States 
(OAS), the UN, Caricom, the African Union, etc.

The Haitian people and the whole world remember under what brutal 
conditions the thugs of the National Penitentiary dragged former Prime 
Minister Yvon Neptune from his cell to bring him to St. Marc on April 22nd 
2005. This was done despite the fact that former Prime Minister Yvon 
Neptune was on the 5th day of a renewed hunger strike without food or water 
to continue to exact his liberation.

The Haitian people and the entire world cannot forget that on that day the 
judge conducting the inquiry, Judge Cluny Pierre Jules, did not even come 
to court because it was later reported that she had not even been informed 
by the defacto power that former Prime Minister Yvon Neptune would be 
brought there.

Some time after this violent incident, on May 15th, former Prime Minister 
Yvon Neptune was visited by the American Congressman Kendrick Meek. On that 
same day he was visited by former American Ambassador to the United Nations 
Andrew Young who was accompanied by the Special Representative of the UN 
Secretary General, Ambassador Juan Gabriel Valdes, American Ambassador to 
Haiti, James B. Foley, and Mr. Thierry Fagart, head of the human rights 
division of the UN mission.

After all of these visits and the conversations and public statements of 
the representatives of these foreign powers, it became evident to former 
Prime Minister Yvon Neptune that despite all statements to the contrary 
total control over his life, his freedom and his safety was in the hands of 
the defacto power. The defacto power has been clamoring all along that it 
had nothing to do with the politically vindictive justice apparatus set up 
by this power after President Aristide was forced out of the country.

It is in this context and with the guarantee of being accompanied by 
special MINUSTHA security forces that former Prime Minister Yvon Neptune 
found himself in the cabinet of Judge Cluny Pierre-Jules in St. Marc on May 
25, 2005.  On that day there was no "renewed confidence" in the "justice" 
of the defacto power by former Prime Minister Yvon Neptune. Rather it was 
an occasion for him to once again affirm, with all his might, his 
confidence in the law, in the process set forth in the constitution, and in 
the conscience of people who believe in true justice and persist in seeking 
out truth wherever it may be.

The information contained in this report is truthful and former Prime 
Minister Yvon Neptune has endorsed it on June 10, 2005.

Yvon Neptune
Former Prime Minister
Member of Fanmi Lavalas
Political Prisoner

Villa Annex of the National Penitentiary, Pacot


HLLN Note: Prime Minister Yvon Neptune is critically ill but continues the 
hunger strike protesting his illegal incarceration. He specifically 
requested that HLLN translate this report from his Family and Friends from 
the Kreyol into English and release it to the international community and 
our peace and justice network.

Since this June 10, 2005 letter, endorsed by Yvon Neptune, and transcribed 
on his behalf by Family and Friends, the judge in charge of the
case, dismissed the charges and ordered PM Yvon Neptune's release.

According to Ronald St-Jean, an order of dismissal of charges was given
for by the magistrate in charge of the case, Clunie Pierre
Jules. (See, AHP June 21, 2005 report at: Neptune Updates -
http://www.margueritelaurent.com/pressclips/updatenept.html )

This release order, according to Ronald St. Jean occurred the very day
Gousse announced his resignation. However, it's been weeks since this
ordered release and PM Yvon Neptune continues to be incarcerated,
giving credence to the often heard accusation that the defacto
government and its international supporters do not intend to release
any of the political prisoners until after their proposed elections 
(Selections) in Haiti.

The only public statement since the judge Clunie Pierre
Jules ordered the case dismissed against Yvon Neptune has been by U.N. 
special representative, Juan Gabriel Valdes asking for the release but 
making NO mention that the judge in charge had look at the government's 
evidence and ordered the case dismissed. (See, Reuters June 23, 2005 
article on our website at:
http://www.margueritelaurent.com/pressclips/updatenept.html ) . There are 
reports that the U.S.-backed Latortue government is interfering with this 
judicial order and delaying further by demanding that presiding Judge Clune 
Pierre Jules reconsider his decision.

With MINUSTHA taking over PNH functions, one wonders at the fate of
the political prisoners in Haiti. For, PM Yvon Neptune as for the
thousands of others illegaly being held by Haitian police and
authorities in prison, nothing has changed. The atrocities continues
that were legitimized when the UN chose to side with thugs, killers and
an unconstitutionally imposed government rather than support democratic
principles, the Constitutional government and the people of Haiti
asking for the return of their oustered President.

Help save Yvon Neptune's life. Ask that the administrative judge's order be 
upheld, that there are no more delays and that PM Neptune be immediately 
released. Please call, e-mail and fax letters to the officials listed 
(Contact information) below. Thank You.

June 29, 2005
Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network


Please call, e-mail and fax letters the officials listed below.


UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH)
PHONE: 011.509.244.9650.9660
FAX: 011.509.244.9366/67
Or, Office of General Secretary (New York) - 212.963.4879 Fax | 
phone  212-963-5012 | Email: inquiries at un.org & presidentga58 at un.org.

Juan Gabriel Valdes
Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General to Haiti
011-509-244-9650 or 9660
fax 011-509 244 3512.

Lt. General Augusto Heleno Ribeiro Pereira
UN Military Commander in Haiti: 011-509-554-8074
pereira17 at un.org

Damian Onses-Cardona
Spokesperson for Gen. Pereira
011-509-557-5118 (cell)
011-509-510-2563, ext. 6303.

Touissant Congo-Doudou
Head of Communications
MINUSTAH: 011-509-557-5906
kongo-doudou at un.org

David Beer
Commissioner of CIVPOL
the UN Civilian Police in Haiti
beer at un.org
fax: 011-509-244-9366.


U.S. Ambassador to Haiti: James B. Foley

Fax to: U.S. Embassy, Port-au-Prince - 011-509-223-9038 or 011-509-223-1641
State Department Haiti Desk, Washington - 202 -647-2901

Call: U.S. Embassy, Port-au-Prince - 011-509-223-4711
Anthony Beaver/John Mariz, State Department Haiti Desk - 202- 647-5088

Email: noriegarf at state.gov (Roger Noriega Assistant Secretary of State for 
Western Hemisphere Affairs; BanksD at state.gov (Dana Banks, Human Rights 
Officer, U.S. Embassy, Port-au-Prince)


Canadian Ambassador to Haiti, Claude Boucher
Embassy of Canada
Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Telephone: (509) 249-9000
Fax: (509) 249-9920
Email: prnce at international.gc.ca

Ambassador of France in Haiti, M. Yves GAUDEUL
Embassy of France
51 place des Hèros de l'Independance - BP 312
Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Telephone: (509) 222-0952
Fax : (509) 223 5675

Forwarded by the Haitian Lawyers' Leadership Network

The Freedom Archives
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San Francisco, CA 94110
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