[News] Haiti's Jean-Juste - event in Berkeley - January 29

News at freedomarchives.org News at freedomarchives.org
Sun Jan 9 13:03:21 EST 2005

The Haiti Action Committee & The What If? Foundation invite you to:

An evening with Father Gerard Jean-Juste of Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Music by Freedom Song Network and Francisco Herrera

Fr. Jean-Juste will speak on "Democracy Under Siege: Human Rights In Haiti 

Saturday, January 29, 2005,
7:30 pm
St. Joseph the Worker Catholic Church
1640 Addison St. - Berkeley

Suggested contribution $5 - $20

RECEPTION to meet Fr. Jean-Juste precedes event 5-7 pm,
Info: (510) 558-9010

Proceeds support Fr. Jean-Juste's work with impoverished children, families 
and political prisoners in Haiti.

Fr. Jean-Juste is one of Haiti's most respected human rights advocates.  On 
Wednesday, October 13, 2004, Haitian police forcibly entered the St. Clare 
Catholic Church Rectory in Port-au-Prince and arrested him without a 
warrant while he was feeding 600 hungry children a meal his congregation 
serves twice/week.  He was imprisoned and then released seven weeks later 
as a result of an outpouring of international pressure.  Fr. Jean-Juste is 
a prominent activist for social justice and the rights of immigrants in 
Haiti and the United States.  He has been one of Haiti's most eloquent, 
persistent and influential voices for peace over the past two decades.

The Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 863-9977
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