[News] Haiti: Lavalas demonstrators shot by police

News at freedomarchives.org News at freedomarchives.org
Wed Feb 9 11:31:46 EST 2005

Thousands of Fanmi Lavalas supporters demonstrate to mark the fourth 
anniversary of the second inauguration of Aristide as president: the police 
open fire

Port-au-Prince, February 8, 2005 (AHP)- Several thousand Fanmi Lavalas 
supporters demonstrated peacefully Monday in Port-au-Prince in observance 
of the fourth anniversary of the inauguration of President Jean-Bertrand 
Aristide's second term.

The demonstrators called for the return of constitutional government, which 
was cut short, they said,  with the forced departure of President Aristide 
on February 29, 2004.

They also denounced the summary executions and political persecutions 
directed against supporters of Mr. Aristide.

The demonstration was interrupted by a police patrol accompanied by 
individuals in civilian dress, known as attachés, who reportedly began 
shooting at the demonstrators, injuring several of them.

Soldiers from the United Nations mission who were following the 
demonstration then intervened, enabling the demonstrators to return to 
their base.

Reacting to these incidents, a spokesperson for the Lavalas 
activists,  Samba Boukman, said that the interim government is making a 
mistake if it thinks that violence will persuade the activists to give up 
their deeply held beliefs.

"We are going to continue to struggle peacefully until constitutional 
government returns because Haitians have had enough of the violence and the 
poison of social exclusion and corruption", he said.

AHP  February 8, 2005 8:40 AM

No serious election is possible without Lavalas, according to Marc Bazin

Port-au-Prince, February 8, 2005 (AHP)- The leader of the MIDH party 
(Movement for the Establishment of Democracy in Haiti) Marc Bazin, 
indicated Tuesday that no serious election is possible in Haiti without 
Lavalas, which constitutes the majority party.

There are many people who are way off base as they attempt to have people 
believe that Lavalas is no longer popular, said Bazin.

"I could act like certain other political leaders, but I myself am a 
realist, I am willing to see the reality in front of me", said the MIDH 
leader. He explained that he has met with many people who do not express 
themselves in public. "The majority of them are sympathetic to Lavalas", he 
observed, adding that a dialogue is indispensable.

AHP  February 8, 2005 8:50 AM

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