[News] LPDC Statement concerning recent attacks on Ward Churchill

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Tue Feb 8 13:40:19 EST 2005

From: info at leonardpeltier.org


All of us who surround those who were involved in AIM since the early
70's have known it was coming, or rather "they" would come for them
again.  There is no shock in the recent campaign to discredit Ward
Churchill.  Most of all, we are sure Mr. Churchill himself knew it was
coming sooner or later.   We are sure Ward is at home asking himself
questions such as: why now, what will be gained by disabling me at this
time and how will this negatively affect the movement?  Most of all,
like any good warrior, we hope he finds himself asking how he can make
this work for the movement's benefit.  Mr. Churchill has co-authored
books which guaranteed he would be attacked by his favorite
organization, the FBI.

His contributions academically to the Indian movement, whether it be AIM
or a generation of like minded thinkers, has been vast.  Without books
such as Agents of Repression: The FBI's Secret Wars Against the Black
Panther Party and the American Indian Movement and The COINTELPRO
Papers: Documents from the FBI's Secret War Against Dissent in the
United States our generation and those younger would not have a map by
which we can predict the government's response and how they will work to
stop Indians being outspoken. Simply put, we firmly believe that many of
AIM's figureheads are modern day Indian heroes. We cannot sit by and
watch our government continue to destroy Native Americans.

Mr. Churchill's writings are motivational in a way the government does
not appreciate.  His writings are critical of the government.  We
believe any educated Indian would have to agree with his works and
themes though not necessarily embrace every point.  We believe we need
people such as Mr. Churchill who are not afraid to exercise their First
Amendment Right of Freedom of Speech.  American Indians need to feel
free to speak.

Please note the newspaper reporters seem to forget how long ago Mr.
Churchill wrote the 9/11 piece. It is also important to note how the
mainstream press has totally misinterpreted
and misreported Mr. Churchill's statements and intent. We challenge
those who have not read Mr. Churchill to read what he has written and
draw their own conclusions and not be swayed by the propaganda being
spread by the mainstream media.

Our question is why all of a sudden is the press attacking Mr. Churchill
for issues which happened more than a year ago?  This is not news, these
are old issues.  We should all be asking ourselves why now.  Our belief
is, that as we await the results of the John Graham extradition hearing,
the United States wishes to raise anti-AIM sentiments hoping to use the
John Graham extradition as a vehicle to attack people such as Ward
Churchill and Leonard Peltier.

We would like to remind the older generation of AIM of allegiance and
honor.    Don't forget, years of knowing each other, and years of trying
to have Leonard Peltier freed means there is a spider web of
relationships which the government is clearly trying to unentangle and
frame Leonard as a patsy.

We are not saying Anna Mae does not deserve justice.  We believe she was
a loyal AIM woman and she should be treated as such.  We believe that
those involved in what happened to her owe her family answers, very
soon.  We hope her family still believes as she did, in the cause and
rights of Indians.  Please beware the government will use Anna Mae's
murder, 9/11 and anything else they find inflammatory right now to turn
the tide against AIM and against Leonard Peltier.  Our phones are
tapped, of this we are sure, so the FBI clearly knows lately those at
the LPDC have made some great contacts internationally.  We assure you
they want to turn the tide against Leonard and AIM right now, they must
undo all our work, they must keep us down.  Remember these guys earn a
paycheck to suppress us, we have nothing but pocket lint because it is
our lives. But if we do not let the rising anti-AIM tide drown our
spirits we can still win.  We say good luck Mr. Churchill.  We
personally like the way you exercise your first amendment rights..

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