[News] Haiti - Annette Auguste challenges the grounds for her nine month detention

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Thu Feb 3 08:46:14 EST 2005

AHP News - February 2, 2005  - English translation (Unofficial)

The Lavalas activist Annette Auguste wants to hear an explanation for her 
"incarceration without justification for the past nine months"

Port-au-Prince, February 2, 2005 (AHP)-  Lavalas activist  Annette 
Auguste,  (Sò Ann) called on the authorities Wednesday to explain why she 
has been imprisoned at the Pétion-Ville police station for close to nine 

Annette Auguste was arrested on May 10, 2004 in the middle of the night and 
without a warrant by foreign troops.

In an open letter to the authorities concerned, Sò Ann stated that she has 
no intention  of seeking any form of clemency and that her self-respect 
also prevents her from accepting any form of pity or commiseration.

Annette Auguste recalled that on May 12, 2004, Judge Brédi Fabien 
recognized her innocence and decided that she was to be released 
immediately. But this measure was not respected by those whose powers go 
beyond those of the judiciary, she deplored.

"I have learned through the media that contrary to my own case, some 
citizens arrested as I was have been purely and simply released once their 
innocence was established, through the normal procedures common to any 
healthy judicial system, thus allowing them to return home peacefully", she 

"Am I thus to understand that my status as a woman is behind this 
arbitrary, unique, absurd and abusive treatment that I am experiencing", 
asked Annette Auguste.

She concluded, in the absence of any clear and sufficient explanation, that 
the conduct of the authorities toward her is in direct proportion to her 
social and political world view that makes it impossible for her to give a 
stamp of approval to any forms of occupation, exploitation, injustice or 

At my age, I can neither become an opportunist, nor can I change, falsify 
or reject the basic principles for which I have always campaigned, that is: 
social justice for those who once were slaves to the whites,  effective 
participation by all Haitians regardless of their background and origin in 
the affairs of their country, a progressive and profound improvement in the 
condition of the working masses, a single standard of respect and justice 
for all, effective protection and sufficient assistance for all who are in 

Sò Ann said she is now waiting to see professional conduct by the 
provisional authorities that shows responsibility for the laws governing 
the behavior of the justice system before their easily correctable error is 
transformed into a disastrous horror.

AHP  February 2,   2005 3:30 PM

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