[News] Tookie Clemency denied.

Anti-Imperialist News News at freedomarchives.org
Mon Dec 12 16:06:01 EST 2005

With anger, disgust, and sadness... and a continued committment to end these
killing systems of caging and executions...  we go to San Quentin tonight.
There are other vigils and demonstrations across the state (and nation)
tonight: more at savetookie.org

It will be COLD - please bring warm clothing.  News article announcing
denial of clemency is below.

We plan to have a large protest at San Quentin. At 8 pm at the East Gate of
San Quentin Prison. You can park on Francisco Blvd. E, but expect to walk 1
to 1.5 miles to get to the east gate. It will be dark, and there is uneven
pavement. We suggest you bring a flashlight, water, and wear good shoes and
warm clothing. This will be a peaceful protest. Please listen to security
people and don't engage the opposition as it only encourages them. Contact
the Save Tookie Committee at 510-253-5418 or 510-333-7966, or e-mail
info at savetookie.org for more information.

Schwarzenegger denies clemency for Williams
- Mark Martin, Chronicle Staff Writer
Monday, December 12, 2005

Sacramento, 12:41 p.m. -- Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger rejected Stanley
"Tookie" Williams' plea for clemency Monday, setting the stage for a
midnight execution of the four-time murderer who became an anti-gang
crusader from Death Row.

After mulling over the decision for weeks and meeting with prosecutors and
Williams' lawyers last Thursday, Schwarzenegger said in a written statement
that "clemency cases are always difficult and this one is no exception.

"After studying the evidence, searching the history, listening to the
arguments and wrestling with the profound consequences, I could find no
justification for granting clemency. The facts do not justify overturning
the jury's verdict or the decisions of the courts in this case."

Barring any last minute, longshot legal appeal, Williams will be given a
lethal injection at 12:01 a.m. Tuesday. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
also denied a petition for a stay of execution.

Convicted in 1981 for four shotgun murders during two robberies, Williams
was the co-founder of the Crips street gang. In the last decade, however,
Williams has published eight children's books warning against gangs and
violence and has attempted to broker truces between gangs from his San
Quentin State Prison cell.

Williams' clemency bid has garnered worldwide attention, and the governor's
office has reported a major uptick and phone calls and letters on the issue
in recent weeks.


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