[News] PFLP rejects collection of Palestinian militants' arms

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Mon Apr 18 08:37:38 EDT 2005

PFLP rejects collection of Palestinian militants' arms
<http://www.chinaview.cn/>www.chinaview.cn 2005-04-14 17:32:25

   GAZA, April 14 (Xinhuanet) -- The Popular Front for the Liberation of 
Palestine (PFLP) announced Thursday that it rejects the collection of the 
Palestinian militants' arms.

     PFLP senior leader Jamil al Majdalawi told reporters that the arms of 
the Palestinian resistance groups "are the legal arms and they earn support 
and protection from the Palestinian population."

     He said the PFLP considers the decision of collecting arms as well as 
all the deals and understandings reached with Israel "is a wrong 
Palestinian policy that gave the enemy what it doesn't deserve."

     "It will be a bad mistake if these arms are collected, because the 
major issue in the Palestinian life is to continue with the armed 
resistance," al Majdalawi warned, adding "the PFLP refuses any contact with 
the Palestinian leadership to discuss the issue of arms collection."

     A senior Palestinian security official said last Tuesday that two 
committees formed by Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas were ready to act 
within the coming two weeks to disarm wanted militants.

     Abbas had issued a presidential decree, demanding the committees 
comprising Gaza and the West Bank officials to disarm some 530 militants on 
Israel's wanted list and recruit them into the military and civilian 
apparatuses of the Palestinian National Authority, the official said. Enditem

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