[News] Globalized Capitalism Blamed for Increasing Famine

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Fri Apr 1 12:14:42 EST 2005

Prensa Latina, Havana

Globalized Capitalism Blamed for Increasing Famine in the World

Geneva, Mar 31 (Prensa Latina) Globalization of neoliberal capitalism
and its resulting injustice is the main cause of the expansion of
hunger in the world, said UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food,
Jean Ziegler.

In a report presented to the UN Commission on Human Rights (UNCHR)
here, Ziegler said than in less than a year, 10 million people have
joined the planet´s army of starving people.

At least 100,000 people die of lack of food every year, and one of
every four is permanently blinded due to lack of vitamin A, he said.

Ziegler told Prensa Latina that his performance as UN official and his
re-election to the post have been rejected by the US, a country whose
delegation votes almost solo against his term at the UNCHR.

"I have not fabricated these figures, he said. "They have been
provided by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations (FAO)."

"All governments in the world should be concerned that there are 852
million people starving while a program to address the scourge is in

"FAO itself has stated that world agriculture could currently feed
twice the world´s population. Thus, we can say that every person who
dies of hunger has been assassinated," the Swedish jurist and
sociologist stressed.

"What this is all about is a daily genocide against people who are
starving amidst rich countries´silence," he said.


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