[News] Struggle for Palestine: 4th Anniversary of the Intifada, Sat Oct 2nd 9am

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Thu Sep 30 12:01:49 EDT 2004

The Struggle for Palestine:

4th Anniversary of the Intifada

October 2nd 2004.

Horace Mann Middle School - 3351 23rd Street, San Francisco

The Justice in Palestine Coalition, a group of progressive organizations who

have come together to work for a free Palestine, is hosting a day-long

conference to:

1. Educate ourselves and our allies, and deepen our knowledge &

understanding of the struggle in Palestine.

2. Link the work of our individual organizations and strengthen our networks

and activism through discussion, debate, and collaborative planning.

3. Organize for future solidarity and develop concrete a concrete plan of

action for the coming months.

4. Support the resistance in Palestine, and make links with others who are

fighting against the US occupation of Iraq, and against US Imperialism

around the world.

The conference will include panels, workshops and cultural performances. A

complete schedule of events is listed below.

Please reply to this email to find out about the next meeting of Justice in

Palestine and help us build for this important event.


** Program **

The Struggle for Palestine: 4th Anniversary of the Intifada

October 2nd, 2004

9:00-9:30: Registration

Morning Plenary Session: The Current Status of Resistance in Palestine

workshops throughout the day include:

-Continuations of Plenary:  Status of Resistance

-History of Palestine, The Nekbah and the Right of Return

-Iraq and Palestine: 2 Struggles, One cause


-Women and Resistance

-Direct Action: Skills Development

-The Impact of Palestine on the US Elections

-Political Prisoners, Here and in Palestine

-Globalization in the Arab World

-The Targets of Empire: Cuba, Venezuela, Haiti, Iran, Philippines, Africa

-Arab World Solidarity/Resistance

-US Solidarity Groups

-Repression/Occupation in the US (patriot Act, profiling, attacks on civil


Report Back From Workshops

Closing Summation and the Future in Palestine

Cultural Performances

for more information:

<https://itswm.ucsf.edu/emumail.fcgi?folder=sent%2dmail%2dSep%2d2004&passed=new_msg&email=info%40justiceinpalestine%2enet>info at justiceinpalestine.net 

or visit


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