[News] The "new" CIA boss

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Wed Sep 29 08:59:15 EDT 2004

Havana. September 28, 2004

Agent Goss 'renounces' his past

Special for Granma International

PORTER Goss, recently nominated by President George W. Bush
to head the CIA has just assured the U.S. Senate that he
will be objective in providing intelligence information.
Goss was one of the most fervent of U.S. politicians to
accuse Cuba of producing biological weapons, a completely
false allegation circulated by Secretary of State John
Bolton since 2002 and recently refuted by the CIA.

Goss is the same former CIA agent who promoted terrorist
activities from the Miami JM/WAVE mega-base and has
repeatedly supported the Cuban-American mafia in their
militant campaigns. He also covered up for the FBI chief
who ignored the presence of 14 Al Qaeda terrorists in
Florida while going all out to persecute five Cubans who
had infiltrated terrorist groups.

The Republican congressman for Florida, where he maintains
more than fraternal relations with the Miami circles openly
promoting acts of terrorism against Cuba, was addressing
the Senate Intelligence Committee at his confirmation

For years, Porter Goss was director of the House
Intelligence Committee, during which time he took every
opportunity to discredit Cuba and never hesitated to cover
up for "the Company" when it was accused of drug
trafficking operations.

In July 2002, Goss tried to link a proposed lifting of the
restrictions on travel to Cuba to the false claim that Cuba
was manufacturing biological weapons.

On Saturday, September 18, The New York Times, citing CIA
sources, reported that the United States had lied when it
accused Cuba of developing biological weapons programs.

According to the newspaper, the CIA, apparently under
pressure in the wake of the scandal provoked by its wild
reports on weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, abandoned
its 1999 reports, which, without any evidence, falsely
charged Cuba of producing biological weapons along with
Third World countries classified by Washington as promoters
of terrorism.

Goss was one of the most vocal U.S. politicians and
promoters of such lying claims.

Bush's candidate to head the CIA has also maintained close
ties with the Díaz-Balart brothers as well as Ileana
Ros-Lehtinen, all three spokespersons for the Miami
terrorists in the U.S. Congress. He has always supported
the three Batista politicians' most extreme anti-Cuban

Put in charge by Bush of combating international terrorism,
Goss admitted to the Washington Post on May 18, 2002 that
he had participated in terrorist activities from the CIA
Miami base known as JM/WAVE, as a clandestine terrorist
actions operative. At that time, the JM/WAVE devoted its
time to promoting assassinations, arson attacks, bombings,
biological warfare and other acts of terrorism against

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