[News] OCT 8 - Women's Rpt from the Philippines

News at freedomarchives.org News at freedomarchives.org
Mon Sep 20 08:31:45 EDT 2004

ON THE PATH TO LIBERATION - Women's Report Back from the Philippines

Hear about the issues and tactics, gains and difficulties of women's 
liberation as practiced and developed by GABRIELA, the largest women's 
alliance in the Philippines.
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8th, 7-9:30 PM
Quaker Friends Meeting Hall
65 9th Street , SF (btw Mission and Market - Take Civic Center BART)

* Militarization and Human Rights
* Work Against Sex Trafficking
* Victory of the GABRIELA Women's Party
* Organizing women from youth to urban poor to peasants and workers
* International sisterhood and solidarity

Find out why there is hope for women even in this country ranked the top 
exporter of women into the international labor and sex markets under 
globalization.  Join us in celebrating the strength of Filipinas with 
refreshments, artwork and performances.
    Sponsored by GABRIELA Network,
  3543 18th Street Box #17, SF, CA 94110
Tel:  415.273.4600
Email:  sfbayarea at gabnet.org

The Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 863-9977
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